For this week, we've got delicious chocolate cinnamon rolls to nibble on. These, needless to say, are a hit with kids. Let's dive in, shall we?
Chocolate Cinnamon Rolls
Ingredients (this is a pic of ALL the ingredients!)
1 pkg dry yeast
1 cup warm water
~2 3/4 c flour
1/2 c cocoa powder
1/2 c sugar
3 TBSP butter, softened
4 tsp cinnamon
3 TBSP sugar
1 1/3 cup chocolate chips
1/2 c powdered sugar
2 tsp water
Dissolve yeast in warm water to proof.
In a separate bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients, add to yeast mix and stir to combine.
Turn out onto floured surface and knead 5-10 minutes, until smooth and elastic, or use the dough hook on a Kitchenaid mixer and knead until smooth and elastic.
Grease a large bowl, turn dough in, and let rise, covered, in a warm place until doubled in size (about an hour).
Mix together the cinnamon and sugar. Divide the dough in half, and roll one portion into a 10x16” rectangle.
Spread half the butter on it, sprinkle half the cinnamon sugar on it, and top with half the chocolate chips. Roll dough up tightly from the long side, and cut into 1” pieces.
Place in a greased 8” square pan, in a 4x4 configuration. Repeat with remaining dough, butter, cinnamon sugar and chocolate chips. Spray with a blast of non-stick spray, and cover with plastic wrap. Let rise until doubled in size, about another hour. Bake at 375* for 18-23 minutes. While cooling, mix together the glaze and drizzle over rolls.
Easy Copy/Paste Format:
Chocolate Cinnamon Rolls
1 pkg dry yeast
1 cup warm water
~2 3/4 c flour
1/2 c cocoa powder
1/2 c sugar
3 TBSP butter, softened
4 tsp cinnamon
3 TBSP sugar
1 1/3 cup chocolate chips
1/2 c powdered sugar
2 tsp water
Dissolve yeast in warm water to proof. In a separate bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients, add yeast mix and stir to combine. Turn out onto floured surface and knead 5-10 minutes, until smooth and elastic. Grease a large bowl, turn dough in, and let rise, covered, in a warm place until doubled in size (about an hour).
Mix together the cinnamon and sugar. Divide the dough in half, and roll one portion into a 10x16” rectangle. Spread half the butter on it, sprinkle half the cinnamon sugar on it, and top with half the chocolate chips. Roll dough up tightly from the long side, and cut into 1” pieces. Place in a greased 8” square pan, in a 4x4 configuration. Repeat with remaining dough, butter, cinnamon sugar and chocolate chips. Spray with a blast of non-stick spray, and cover with plastic wrap. Let rise until doubled in size, about another hour. Bake at 375* for 18-23 minutes. While cooling, mix together the glaze and drizzle over rolls.
The song this week is another that I got addicted to via Absrip and her amazing manipulation skills. In this one, she's showing us a look at the different uses of blood/red on Supernatural and the many ways it binds the brothers together.
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For those that prefer a non-wincest video, here's the lyric vid:
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