Chapter 25 Picspam - Part 2

Apr 22, 2012 23:01

Behind the cut are outtakes from the last chapter featuring the more prominent households.

Seiff Household

Lizzie still loves her gardening.  It's provided quite a bit for the family.

But since her life bar is getting suspiciously full, someone else has to take up gardening.  Calla didn't seem the type, so Taddy gets to help out.

Rosalie's actually a lot nicer than what I write her.

Aw.  Though why are you up at 2AM when your dad gets home from work?  Get to bed, kiddo.

Here's little Gilbert, learning last toddler skill.

Because it's time for him to grow up.

Rosealie and Gilbert have the exact same personality, and they have about 4 (if that) nice points between them.  They shouldn't play chess.

Sure...get all upset when Gilbert cheats, but then you turn around and do it to him.  *shakes head*

Rosalie's birthday time.

Rosalie is really pretty.  I think I mentioned it before, but it took me a really long time to find a lipstick that would work for her.  Her mouth is VERY prominent.  Here's hoping it gets toned down with her kids.

With all the Romance Sims in this house, I get a lot of inappropriate heart-farts.

And a lot of this too, even if it's not really appropriate for the moment.  Why, you ask?

Yeah, Esther's about to go meet her husband and brother in the Great Beyond.

*sigh* Really, Esther?  Heart-farting your son-in-law as you're dying?  *sigh*

So we leave the Seiff house on a sad note.

George Alcott House

For those that were wondering, James really is working for Sterling at his store.  Though I need to go in and adjust his wages a bit...he's making like two grand a week.

Viola makes great faces.

I forget what animation this is, but it's fabulous.

Of course, uber-dramatic scene was ruined when Sterling insisted on letting me know that his wife is hot.

A typical night in the house consists of:

It's such a sweet family.

Shirley is awesome.

Though she can be a bit...difficult at times.

This is one of her favorite actions.

This pretty much summed up Melanie and Viola's conversation.

Here they are tending the family garden.  I gave them a greenhouse, to prevent bugs.  And they had the money.

Time for Howie to have his birthday!

Ugh, hi, random lady.  (She's one of my hobby leaders, here to give someone a card or somesuch).  Way to ruin a good picture.  Look at that little cutie.

Here he is with daddy, playing chess.  He's adorable.

Have I mentioned that I like Melanie a lot?  She loves to tuck her grandkids in every night.

Tub pirates ahoy!

Aw, what a cute girl.

And now she gets to become a teenager.

Shirley is possibly, the prettiest born-in-game Sim I've had.  :D

Since I wanted Rosalie and Shirley to be real friends since they are in story, I had Rosalie come over for fun.  It was a struggle, but they are friends now.  Once I get them to BFF status, all will be good.

These two are awesome.  I don't know why George is gossiping about Viola, but it's still funny.

I'll end this house with these cute shots.  George and Melanie turned out to be one of my favorite couples, once Melanie wised up.  I'm going to miss them, and I know I don't have much time left with them.

Cyrus Bradfords

Here's what this house looks like most of the time.

Excuse all the pictures of Freddy.  He is my sim-grandson after all.

But even though he's my "grandson," he doesn't get a real party.  I was partied-out by this point.

Such a little cuitie!

Skillin' wiith the parents.

This poor kid's going to have some issues...first the hot tub and then Mom in her underwear at breakfast.  Sheesh, Georgianna.  Put on some clothes!

We'll end the picspam with a cute picture.

One more round from the main house to go.

character: peter, character: melanie, story: bradford legacy, character: rosalie, character: marsha, character: shirley, family: george horace alcotts, character: jefferson, character: sterling, character: howard, character: george horace, character: thaddeus, character: viola, character: cyrus, generation: 6, generation: 7, character: nicholas, character: esther, generation: 5, character: elizabeth, family: cyrus bradfords, character: frederick, family: seiffs, character: james, picspam: bradford legacy c25, character: cindy, character: calla, character: gilbert, character: georgianna

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