Oh, hi! Yeah, it's me. I know it's been a while (almost a month? Where the Hell does time go?), but I come with presents. I have picspam for you, from the last chapter. I hope you like.
So, yeah. I killed Eldon. Originally, I had planned on having him not survive babyhood, but I couldn't bear to do that to him (or Anne). But I couldn't get the idea of losing him out of my head. So, dice roll. If the numbers matched, Eldon was going. I rolled a 6 both times.
Still, it let me have an interesting storyline.
I almost used this pic for the chapter, but Joseph's face wasn't quite right. Plus, the posed shot fit the story so much better.
Pics from the funeral:
Yeah, it was sad. That is all.
On to the Menon house.
Calla is a gorgeous girl. She will feature in the next chapter (grin).
I loved this shot, because it looks like Jason is teaching Calla to play the piano. Of course, he's just giving hobby instruction. I would have used it, but it didn't fit into the story.
You already got spammed with wedding shots, but there are two that I wanted you to see:
Poor Marsha. She was still pregnant with Cyrus at this time, and her motives kept tanking. I thought I maxmotived enough to keep her happy, but apparently not.
Victor and Jane's wedding portrait. Don't they look happy?
Staying with the Thayer/Hutchins household for a moment, Phily and Meadow amaze me at their similarities.
They grew up in equally bad outfits.
Meadow's LTW was to reach her Golden Anniversary. She threw a luncheon for all Phily's family that was local and that the liked (so, no Alex or Matthew). I would have invited Alex, but for a while I thought this scene would be included in the story. It didn't work out that way.
"Hey, Victor. Your mom..."
"...she got engaged..."
"...to your father!" And the look on Meadow's face tell us exactly what she thinks of the good prof (may he rest in peace).
More silliness:
Meadow: "My wife is hot!"
Kaylynn: "My husband's cousin is hot!" Kaylynn heart-farts Isaac all the time. And this is a rare moment when Meadow is doing an appropriate heart-fart. Normally, she heart-farts Henri.
Cute kids alert:
These guys are the best. They really are great friends, and come and go home from school with each other.
Lizzie is still great.
One of the last moments of Taddy as a boy. He's a teen in game now, and still a blast to play.
Love this:
The annimations with the Don't Wake the Llama table are awesome.
Taddy really did like helping out in the garden.
Viola is a little cutie.
She's got a good blend of her parent's features.
And she is quite the artist.
Marsha is very proud of her little girl. And now that Viola can use the big girl easel, I'm sure the walls of the house will be covered with her paintings. I really hope she rolls the Visionary LTW; it would suit her so well. But as she's a spare, I can change it when she moves out and get married if I want.
A peaceful moment:
Well, until James comes home and starts shouting about his A+ in school.
When James isn't playing with Taddy, he's got another playmate.
Even if James does have a slightly violent streak.
Marsha and Jan really do not like each other.
Jan: "Want to play red hands?"
Marsha: "Uh, no. No way lady."
Jan: "Why not?"
Marsha: "Because I don't like you."
And lastly, for more laughs (I think I've shared soem of these before, but they're worth repeating).
Uma and Carolina getting their licks in. Poor Jan (not).
I hope you enjoy. I'll be playing and filming in the main house over the next few days, and will get to the chapter shortly.