Now that I’ve had a bit of a chance to decompress from the epic war chapters, I figured it was a good time to post some behind the scenes/picspam stuff, to give you all a chance to understand a little better some of what I was thinking and why things turned out the way they did.
+108(!!!) Pictures and Meta…slow connections beware. )
Yay, I read the chart right! I kind of get why they ended relationship ties where they did, but darn, it makes it inconvenient some times. Rosalie would be horrified to know that she had such feelings for a relative. :P
Clarence tries, but he can only do so much before parental influence pushes him back.
Oh, I’ve had worse too, but that was just so not Howie. I’d probably lift show business first if I was playing an apoc, just because I can’t stand some of the game clothes. Or I default replace EVERYTHING before I started.
Heh, it is like the British Royal family. I do have a couple more generations, and I’ve got a few ideas in regards to that.
Yup, James is not James without his hat.
Yup, Quinn is the Kenny of the Sims ‘verse. He worked out well, because of what happened with him and Zane in Ang’s ‘verse made for excellent parallels to what I had in mind. Plus, I would have felt really bad killing someone else’s Sim, even if I did say it might happen.
I think everyone is glad Nick survived. Yes, it would have made for so many great plots, but having him around to see his family grow up is good plot in its own way. Yeah, he got hurt, but in the long run it won’t affect him much.
*nods* That’s one of the reasons why it would be okay if he and whoever I pair him off with wait before having kids. It would also help with a plot idea that I’ve been toying with.
Extreme points of any kind are not fun to film with.
I can’t wait to show off all the new babies.
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