SimStoCreMo - Update #3

Mar 25, 2013 09:05

With my final paper for Human Growth & Development (yes, the class is as boring as it sounds) due by Thursday, it's time to turn my attention away from CreMo and back to academia for a bit.  But I'm doing quite well with my CreMo goals, so I'm not at all concerned.

Goal Part 1: To finish my Trailer Park Challenge
Done and done.  Part 6 is here and part 7 is here.  Plus I've extracted all the Sims in case I want them for something in the future.

Goal Part 2: To publish my second war chapter
All written, and standing at 92 slides, minus credits.  Oh, and all filmed too, minus the cover!  If I make good progress on my paper today, I may let myself jump in and take the pics for that so I can get it posted before I go away for a bit.

So close!

challenge: simstocremo 2013

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