It's only a matter of time before the medicine kicks in and I slip off into a drug-induced nap, so I'll try and make this update quick.
I woke up this morning and literally could not move. It felt like I had been hit by a school bus- and not one of those short buses either- I'm talking a full size yellow cheese wagon must have run me over in my sleep, because it certainly felt like it. Needless to say, I could not go to school. In fact I found out today that I may not be back in school for another two weeks. This mononeucleosis is one tough bugger.
Things that I'm missing out on in school right now:
- Class ring orders are tomorrow and Wednesday during lunch. I'll need to get someone to place my order for me, or perhaps I can go tomorrow night since I'm not really sure exactly what I want.
- Each day I'm out I get more and more behind in AP Chem and AP US History. This is seriously stressing me out- I can't even imagine having to make all of this up. I'm getting my assignments on Wednesday. Ugh. :o[
- Homecoming shirts are on sale and I'm not there to sell them. In fact, I'm not there to help Student Government at all. And I'm sure they could really use some help right now.
Well, I'm starting to lose my train of thought, which is a sure sign that I'm about to fall out for a few hours. Maybe I'll get back to this entry later but for right now it's sleepy time. Please everyone pray for me.. the battle between mono and my immune system is going to be a long one, and the outlook so far is not good :o\
Hopefully I'll be well enough to go to church Wednesday night, I've been Wynnbrook-deprived for a week now and I miss it dearly. <333
Always, Missy :o]