Sep 11, 2003 22:11
Well today wasn't so bad. I guess I will start with English. In English today we are doing this group project thingy that sucks because we are not very creative ppl. Anyway we are supposed to come up with this biography of Dimmesdale in "The Scarlet Letter". Well since we were all tapped out for ideas, i mentioned Millennium Magic, and someone else said Under th sea, anyway u just had to be there.
Band: Today I noticed that Mr. Collins is just Ms. Steeds puppet. I guess I should have known....but yeah anyway.
Spanish: So much fun!!!!!!! Me Rita, Chelsea and Vanessa are the true leaders of that class. I love our sign language session today lol.
Chemistry: Suks
French Club: was excellent, we had yummy sugar cookies and some sort of coffee cake from Le Madeline. It was really good. We also voted on shirts, and me with my persuasive self, I got everyone to vote for the shirt I wanted. But i had to put out to everyone,. j/k.
After band: Jessica took me and Gabbie home today, the ride was so fun yet, I hated that country music it was torture!!!!!!!!!!! lol Ill even listen to alternative...and alternative to this music lol Gabbie!!! I wonder how the meeting went? I want to go to the next one, we will have to discuss more in History. And U can tell me what to wear and stuff. Maybe Jessica can give me a ride to da next one, i dunno.....NE Wayz I guess I better go now, i have Beaucoup de devoirs de francais....... so
I shall leave you with the following......
God made coke, god made Pepsi, God made Brandon So damn sexy!
lol Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S Joel now that i think back on our michael Jackson and friends suicide its even funnier lol! The giraffe hangs himself from the crain lol!!!!