To My Readers

Oct 13, 2007 13:59

OK... I said that I'm gonna update TPB last Friday, but I didn't and I'm feeling very guilty right now. I'm really sorry... Examinations just ended this week and I was studying all throughout the last weekend. Maybe you're saying, "Why aren't you updating your story now?" Well, that's because I'm fixing up the chapters I just finished writing down on my notebook. I'm not entirely happy with them yet, and I don't want to post a chapter then regret it later.

Besides, I'm also waiting for the chapters I sent to my new, yes new, beta reader. I'm planning to publish my story in other websites and that's kinda not happening because I only have chapters 1-3, which she's already done betaing. I don't know the cause of her delay, but I'm not complaining. She last told me that she's still quite busy, and I'm willing to wait.

I'm really sorry for not updating. Oh, and to those who are worrying if I'm gonna abandon my story, I've said it many times before, and I'm saying it again, that's not really gonna happen. I'm gonna update TPB eventually... I won't promise a date for I don't want to break it. I'll keep ya'll posted.


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