First things first -- Sean Astin rocks beyond the telling of it. He needs to direct many more episodes, I think, because this was a nice job.
Ah, Angelus, how we love thee. :) I was absolutely riveted to the screen. David B. brought back a focus and intensity as Angelus that's been largely missing as Angel for a while, and it was pretty gripping... also just pretty, and more than pretty. *fans self*
Good work, Wes, in not letting Angelus get too much of a rise out of you. (*snerk*) Nice use of tension there, I think.
Fred, for someone who's supposed to be so smart, you're not the brightest thing around when it comes to practical matters. I would have thought that all that time in Pylea would have honed your sense for danger. You are lucky, lucky, lucky that Angelus didn't want you dead then, but just wanted to play with emotional pain.
The Gunn/Wesley smackdown's been a while coming. It'll be interesting to see what comes out of the collateral damage to Fred when she tried to break up the fight. I don't blame Gunn, though. Word to the wise, there: do NOT attempt to physically separate two people who are trained and skilled at fighting, yes, and at fighting more than one person at a time, because that's a real quick way to get yourself hurt by someone's reflexes. Get a bucket of water or something to throw on them instead, and hope that the shock breaks it up. Seriously.
The Connor-Angelus interaction absolutely hummed with tension and had me literally on the edge of my seat. I want to see more of that, yes I do.
Cordelia, you've become a better liar. Does that gift come as part of the Pod!Person package? As I recall your first conversation with Angelus, you didn't say a word about saving the world as part of the deal. He talks, you ... well, die, I suppose. Not that I blame you, but it's worth noting that you can lie all the way clear to the bone, with your eyes as well.
Who's got the soul now? Next question: who had the combination to the safe? Can that shaman do a little soul-tracking? Time will tell.
Oh, and one more thought. Angelus to Cordelia: "The more you piss me off, the longer I'll keep you alive." *shiver* Cordy, I don't know about you, but I'm scared. Really.
And that's it for relatively simple thoughts. Complex analysis will have to wait for the next episode, I think, but I'm enjoying the hell out of this.