(N.B.: subject line attribution: "Radioactive," Imagine Dragons.)
This week has really flown by, hasn't it? I kind of lost track somewhere in there, what with three separate hard deadlines along with the usual day-to-day. Hope it's at least been a good one for all of you!
Media stuff
-- Thor 2 opens in theaters here today, and I am really looking forward to it. I don't have the link at hand, but somewhere on Tumblr a while back there was a whole gifset celebrating Jane Foster + SCIENCE!, and I want that. Please, movie, give me that, and all will be well. Okay? Okay.
-- I am so behind on TV shows that I just have to laugh. I haven't even seen the first episode of SPN yet this season (I have them all! Just... time), and I am two behind on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., one behind on Elementary... oh well. I'll get there soon enough. In the meantime, I am so glad that Tumblr Savior exists, and I'm getting back in the old habit of executing the spoiler-avoidant headwhip from the ancient days of XF listservs.
-- I saw Gravity and loved it, even allowing for the factual inaccuracies; the look and feel and story of the whole overcame it, as far as I'm concerned. From what I've seen in reviews, a number of actual astronauts
feel that way too.
NaNoWriMo stuff
-- Progress has been made, even if not to the level I would like. Still, progress, and there will be more soon!
-- I'm going to my first write-in either tonight or tomorrow. I have to admit I'm ridiculously excited at the idea.
-- If nothing else, I will finish this month knowing that I have done something I've been hesitating about for a while, and that's enough.
Miscellaneous stuff
-- My own personal fitness project continues, and I'll write more about that at some point soon.
-- Sang two performances of Durufle's Requiem last weekend, one in concert and one as an actual Mass. Tiring, but amazing.
-- I have one more concert coming up (Nov. 22), and as of last night I'm one of 9 people from the choir who's been asked to join in making a professional recording of works by a certain composer. The other eight are all paid staff singers. I must be doing something right.
-- Also on November 22nd, my sister's first
independent film hits ACTUAL THEATERS (outside of the film festival scene)! People in NYC, you will have the best chance at seeing it there - hint, hint, HINT.
That's it for now, as my calendar just alerted me to my next meeting. I'm off to present SCIENCE! Happy Friday, everyone.
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http://silveraspen.dreamwidth.org/302514.html and mirrored to LJ. Please comment where you wish! (There are
comments currently posted at Dreamwidth.)