won't you come see me, Queen Jane?

Jul 22, 2012 19:42

My grandmother died this morning. (Her middle name was Jane.) I got the call a few hours ago.

It was a peaceful passing for her, and not unexpected, as it happens; I spent a good part of Thursday and Friday advising my parents on how to arrange hospice care and with whom and what steps to take, all that sort of thing.

She was 91 and not well, but I remember her as the lovely lady and wonderful woman I grew up next door to, the woman who taught me how to bake pies and cobbler and how to can corn and tomatoes and put up lima beans and pickles, and the second mother of my life and my heart.

And now she's gone, hopefully happy with my grandfather and her childhood sweetheart and partner for decades upon decades in that which comes after, and the world is just a little bit more empty for me right now than it was a few hours ago.

* * * * * * * * *

I'll be flying to Tennessee on Tuesday morning, and back in Colorado sometime on Saturday. I don't know how much around I'll be in the interim.

Love to you all, dear ones. Hold close to your heart those whom you care about. It's a fragile world out there sometimes.

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family, not all tears are an evil, denying discordia

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