weekly update, or at least an update on this week

Oct 30, 2010 14:06

A year ago this past Monday my dad was admitted to the hospital in heart failure. He's okay now, but it was a rough week.

This past Tuesday morning in the very early hours, my grandmother was admitted to the hospital with a broken hip after a bad fall. She came through the surgery and is now doing well in rehab, but ... once again, it's been a rough week.

Next year I am planning to either hide under the bed or just preemptively make the trip back to the family home.


The Rally to Restore Sanity happened in DC today, and based on the reports that I've seen coming in so far, it sounds like it's been pretty incredible. tzikeh has a list of some of the signs that people were carrying.


Tomorrow is Halloween. Tonight vivien529 and agonistes and I will be watching a selection of things in the theme of the season. I'm told that "Young Frankenstein" will be on that list, along with the holiday episodes of the Office. Really, I can't complain.


Monday marks November 1st, which also happens to be the start of NaNoWriMo. I'm not going to be signing up "officially" to write a single novel, but I am going to be writing something every single day, with the goal of hitting the same level of wordcount. Ideally, I'll track my progress through here on that score.

The only reason I'm not making it an official signup is that the content I'll be writing will be divided into multiple projects, some of which will be academic, some of which will be professionally-related, and some of which will be purely for fun. Those, however, I am likely to post!

ETA: Starting wordcount meter, from Language Is A Virus:

0 / 50000 words. 0% done!

Milliwaysians: what this means in an RP sense is probably not much different from my current state, in that I will continue to be ridiculously busy and not around much in realtime (i.e. on AIM) save for weekends. That said, I encourage you to email me if there's anything you'd like me to add to the list of "stuff to write," as I will be reserving time every single day to that end! LJ message will reach me, as will this username on gmail. (Does DW allow username-based messaging? I'll have to check. Anyway, that should reach me too.)


There are a few more things going on in my life right now, and a few other things I'm thinking pretty deeply about, but I'm working on trying to get those thoughts in order before I write them up to share here. By and large it's all pretty good, though, so there's that. :)

This entry was originally posted at http://silveraspen.dreamwidth.org/247220.html and mirrored to LJ. Please comment where you wish! (There are
comments currently posted at Dreamwidth.)

family, holiday, work, writing, scheduling, medical, school

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