ad astra per aspera

Jan 19, 2007 12:19

Today's subject line translates as "to the stars (we aspire) through difficulties," and is the state motto of Kansas-- although that's not the point. No, the point is-- and has always been, for me-- that even the impossible can be reached eventually, no matter what the obstacles in the way.

It's why you'll find me using phrases such as "onward and upward," and why I have so much love for the icon associated with this post. Credit goes to genarti for making and sharing it, and the quote there is drawn from Robert Frost's poem, which to me expresses similar sentiments.

Such a pretty icon! Such pretty things to see! There are so many talented people on the flist (and elsewhere, of course); I was just looking at my icons due to a meme that's going around, and so many of them have been graciously shared with me by people who are particularly gifted in the visual sphere. I have an incredible appreciation for that, because my skills in that area are less than I would wish them to be. This, by the way, is the gift and the curse ascribed to every perfectionist-- the desire for things to be right, and to match some inner standard. The trick, of course, is to find the balance between flying high toward a soaring goal and collapsing in despair at the seeming imperfection of it, and to realize that in the end, "perfect" is not actually what's really needed or wanted by anyone -- including one's own self. It's a fine line, I've learned.

Now, if I can just keep that lesson in mind as I return to school. The new semester started yesterday for me, and this is quite probably going to be the busiest and most challenging of them all since I started down this path. I'm well aware of this and have been for some time, so the goal is to work steadily through and get things done, without becoming paralyzed at the sheer weight of what lies ahead. The flip side of that goal, and just as important, is to make sure to properly allow myself time to see people and catch up with things, so that I don't vanish entirely off the face of the earth during the process. But as I figure anything can be done with proper time management, I am quite optimistic.

And speaking of optimism, not to mention talent, I commend to everyone a new fic by unravels, which you can find right here. It's untitled, and set in the same Milliways/Good Omens/Sandman/Firefly crossover universe as fahye's utterly incredible "Crying Call" (which one can find here-- look for the "Big Damn Crossover" posts and the fic title). The fic by unravels adds in Gaiman's "Murder Mysteries" with an interesting new twist that gave me shivers. I don't think you have to follow Milliways to get it, either-- I believe the "Crying Call" crossover stands nicely on its own, as does this new addition to that storyverse. (And in case anyone's wondering what optimism has to do with anything here -- I'm both optimistic and confident that others will agree with me, too, because it's just that wonderful.)

And with that, I think I'm off to reread it all before I get back to work. Have a wonderful day, everyone!

milliways, fic, firefly, iconographic, quotes, recs, school

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