agonistes? I have your snow.
Or more specifically, the city does, with ten inches so far and two feet expected by tomorrow. I'm guessing the ten inches based on the fact that I just hiked down six blocks to the neighborhood hardware store and back, and was able to measure it with the aid of a ruler against my now-damp jeans-cuff.
I shouldn't be so pleased, really. I know it makes it hard for people to get around-- especially judging from the number of cars I've seen stalled and skidding already today, just personally, not to mention the fact that the airport's closed until Friday and the interstate too. But I'm safe at home, warm and cozy, and it's really beautiful to see.
I had fun being out in it, too. There's a reason I have a knitted hat or two, gloves, a multitude of colorful scarves, a long coat, and the Serious Boots. I'm not kidding about these boots -- they're Sorels, courtesy of the local military surplus store, they LAUGH in the face of water, snow, and ice, and they make tramping around in a blizzard a not-unpleasant experience.
Now I'm settled back at my desk and watching the falling snow outside my window (at a rate of one to two inches an hour, they're saying), and considering making soup for lunch.
I like snow days. :)