as the gentle rain from heaven

May 03, 2006 09:08

I often have a great deal of fun looking for subject line quotes for these LJ entries. This morning's is attributed to William Shakespeare, from the Merchant of Venice:

The quality of mercy is not strain’d,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath...
One of the reasons I enjoy the process is that often I'll run across either an old favorite that I'd forgotten, or perhaps something entirely new and lovely. Occasionally, these two things happen in the same reference, as it did this morning in a quote that I didn't use but which I am mentioning anyway. I've read the Song of Solomon more than once, as it happens, but somehow I'd managed to miss the entirety of this quote before:

For, lo! the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.
The voice of the turtle, is it? All right then. Clearly it's going to be one of those sorts of days. :)

It is raining, actually, in a light spatter of drops falling from gray skies. The temperature has plunged twenty degrees since yesterday-- "springtime in the Rockies," as it's commonly called around here, often comes with what I've started referring to as "whiplash weather." That's okay, though. It's still pretty out-- everything is so green, and there are bright patches of color everywhere from all the flowers, both wild and cultivated in neighborhood gardens.

We're nearing the end of the semester here and there's a lot of work left to do, but it's still less of a strain than last term was, and that makes me happy. After that, it'll be on into the summer and into any number of things which I'm already planning for-- but I think I'm also going to try to shoehorn in some of those things that I keep meaning to find time for and never quite managing.

One thing that I'll be making time for no matter what is PotC2. Public thanks go to gypsyjr, who made sure I saw the new trailer by downloading it and sending it to me-- thank you! (I wish you could have heard me when I saw it this morning -- I think I may have woken someone up by the undignified shriek I let out when I watched it.) I love it when pieces come together, and oh, but this film is going to be such fun! Also, for those of you keeping track of Jack at Milliways, you may or may not have noticed I've been dropping a clue here and there in order to set up for the new canon. Here's the real beginning of things relating to the new arc, from all the way back in January. Watch for more to come soon!

Oh, while I'm thinking about it and before I forget-- does anyone have recommendations for how best to ensure a balanced protein intake and good diet in vegetarian fashion? I'm toying with the idea of going "pescetarian," as I think it's being called. Actually, it's a little more than toying with it, because this is day three without meat, day five without any sort of non-fish meat. I do seriously want to cut down on the sheer amount of meat that take in, but I don't want to give up fish-- partially for the omega-3's, partially because I don't trust my ability to manage all the protein yet, and partially because I think I'd cry if I had to give up sushi. It's interesting, however, to look at this and realize just how much the "standard American" diet seems to incorporate things like chicken and beef, to a ridiculous and unhealthy degree. I won't hop on the soapbox about nutritional factors in terms of chronic disease, but I'm finding myself motivated to make the change.

However, I'm also finding that my cooking skills are fairly lacking in this respect, so I turn to you, dear flist, for help.

That's all the rambling I have for the moment, I think. Have a lovely day, everyone!

milliways, nutrition, movies: potc, a day in the life, fandom

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