Some of the more Pagan-orientated readers of this journal may already be familiar with this band, but just in case, I want to introduce you guys to a band called Faith and the Muse. I bought one of their albums off Amazon, months ago, but have been really getting into it lately. The album I bought was called Evidence of Heaven, and I think it was released in 1999, or thereabouts, but it's great if you like gothic music and this album has a bit of the medieval aspect to it too. I would highly recommend it. :)
I've posted some lyrics below from the album, just for you to see their style of songwriting, but here's a link to their official site,
The Mercyground. Take a look.
Anyway, here are some lyrics - three of my favourite songs off the album.
Through the Pale Door
Welcome my dear please take my hand It's wonderful here it's really quite grand
The moment still, await the hour The Masquerade for Time's dead flowers
Dancing and reeling We move beneath shadows We've hung from the ceiling
All memory receding Take leave of reason In step with the bleeding
Chapter & Verse the lyric takes flight Red is the day as red is the night
The hours pass, the years expire The dance goes on, we spin on fire
Laughing and screaming A wide-awake nightmare Diseased and believing
In mourning-deceiving Ever in motion and ever in grieving
Welcome my dear please take my hand It's wonderful here it's really quite grand
Shadows now descending To join in the Madness The song never-ending
Wounds never mending Wretched in countenance The fear now transcending
Shattered In Aspect
It's time to let go Time to spend some time alone
Farbeit to explain what has been done and what is illusion
We have outlived ourselves By many a ruined year
The future ripped from a tattered page
Like the violence in dream-dead eyes The reflection of a thousand tangled views
Cause and Effect
Like the diamond that cuts the light
The radiation from a single mind
We could outlive ourselves
Acting out a tedious wish long fulfilled
Over and over and over again
It's time to let go Time to spend some time alone
Reconsider what could be doneUnbind the imagination
We're ready for a new age of innocence
Scars Flown Proud
We Are The Inheritors: The Evidence of Heaven
Descendants of a Legacy gone but not Forgotten
We Are The Inheritors of the Grand Persuasion
Descendants of its Masquerade Numb but not Defeated
Welcome to the silent war, to the world we never hoped to gain
The great Disguise Wandering between two realms,
One dead the other rarely dwells beyond our eyesLest we be sorely recognized
What little good intentions seem
But obviate the bloom of self esteem We'll save our prayers
Inured to wounds from bleeding minds Where Wisdom dares not mix with Time Never Fear
They'll age they'll change they'll disappear
In every dance no steps are placed And every path mistakes are made
And if all paths lead but to the grave Then let us dance along our way
Gliding from room to room all cast in celebrated gloom With no where yet to rest our head
Waiting for a door to open from within and bring us home Lest we possess our souls again
You Are A Wonder And I Will Sing Your Praise
So go check them out! :) :)