Feb 27, 2003 22:09
Ok....this is a topic that has been bugging me for a really REALLY long time. And I feel that I just have to get this off my chest. I really hate it when people dress or claim to be a part of an original clique because its TRENDY.
For example:
Take Avil Lavigne (PLEASE). Here is a girl, dressed in black, baggy pants, dark make up, spikey bracelets claiming to be punk and coveted by the media as an "individual."
THIS GIRL IS NOT AN INDIVIDUAL. She DRESSES like the other 40% of the nation's teenagers! And THEY were dressing like that BEFORE she was! And, her whole "punk" persona revolves around her clothes. Her songs are about popular people looking down on those who wear baggy pants and are "Sk8tr Bois"
The idea of "PUNK" is not only a fasion statement, but a way of thinking! Punk means that you are a nonconformist (which is an irony in itself) and that you think the way you want regardless of what the rest of the flock does. AND to grind it in even FURTHER to be in a "clique" of "punks" is NOT being individual, either. You are conforming to the idea of punkism i.e. being a thorn in the side of society. That is, they are NOT following their own ideas, they are simply being contray to everyone else. Which is NOT the point of punkism. To be PUNK is to (again) think for yourself. And by rule of statistics, once in about 10 times, your opinion should go along with the opinion of the general public. And that is ok because as long as you came to that decision YOURSELF, you can still be considered punk.
Black make up and cothes from hot topic, a PUNK does not make.
The other thing that PISSES me off, is that people like AVIL LAVINGE have taken "punk" and turned it into a trend. Punk is "fasionable" I was approached in the mall today by 2 high school hot topic sell outs that said, "we are punks, you got a problem with it?" and I looked them up and down and simply said, "No, youre a couple of dumbass sellouts." and proceeded to give them the spiel above. They just stared at me and my finishing statement was, "So, the answer to your question...no, I dont have a problem with punks but I DO have a problem with your pop asses."
And going back to the idea of by nonconforming you are conforming.
This is the truth.
For there is a WHOLE fucking GROUP of people in this contry claiming to nonconformist. Why? "Because my friends are nonconfomists.".............keep your STUPID to YOURSELF!
The only way that you can consider yourself to be truely punk or nonconformist or individual is if you ask yourself, Do you fit into a clique?
And if your answer is, "yes, but I'm the only person in it."
Then you are an individual.
If you want to see an AWSOME movie with all the following ideas instilled in it, go rent SLC Punk. Its the best fucking movie in the world, funny as hell, a little sad, and Matthew Liard (from Scream and Hackers) Says, "Mom dad, I'm 18 now and for the first time I can say FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOU!!!!!!"
Its great. Along with them driving around in this big van with the word Antidisastablishmentarinism" spray painted on the side of it.
I hope I've given all my readers something to think about and I leave you with this final thought:
Fuck the man.