she sent me my first piece of mail from someone i actually know (rather than aware or whateva) since i've lived in this apartment as well as my first christmas card. **puts it on the kitchen bar** YAY!
THANK YOU!! you are definitely the rockingest person *EVA*!
and let's just consider the cd a birthday present. then it'll be a day early instead of late. ;D and i can listen to it on my way home on friday. YOU ARE SO AWESOME!
my cookies were a hit. dean&alex wouldn't let me take the rest of 'em with me when i left, so they're probably finishing off the bucket as i type this. it's scarlett's bucket anyway, so this way she'll get it back faster. everyone liked them which made me oh-so-happy 'cause i was afraid no one would eat them because they weren't your standard chocolate chip or peanut butter or sugar cookies. and i still have a bucket to take home with me to share with the dad and the mom and the brother and the scarlett. yay!
the sun has been shining *all* *day* today. you do not even know how happy that makes me feel even though i'm locked in a building with no windows most of the time. it makes herb super crazy happy too.
now to make sad cakes and read tltwatw. i was debating making another batch of cookies with the mint chocolate chips and the peanutbutter chunks, but i don't want to go to a grocery store to buy more brown sugar. oh well... i think i have enough already.
ps. the first picture here ( made me gasp so loud at work today that steve asked me if i was all right. my god, that's a gorgeous picture. he should always be photographed in b&w. plus dela + johnny = my happy place