Another Survey :)

Jan 30, 2006 20:13

Well I'm home sick so I thought I would fill this out...don't kill me...please :)

What is your name?: Emily

Are you named after anyone?: not that I know of

What's your screename?: silverandcoldxx

Would you name a child of yours after you?: Nah, Emily is too popular of a name now.

If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: Hmm there are quite a few guy's names that I like but my top two are probably Adrian and Quinn.

If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: I don't know, none of my friends have really extravigent names (sorry guys) so i guess I'll have to stick to the name I have.

Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: Nope, people mistake me for Emma sometimes though, it's quite a piss off.

Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: Meh I don't know, just Emily sounds kind of boring, so probably not.


Your gender:: Female.

Straight/Gay/Bi:: Straight.

Single?: No.

If not, do you want to be?: No way.

Birthdate:: May 20th 1990

Your age:: 15.

Age you act:: I usually act my age, unless I'm drunk or something.

Age you wish you were:: 19...think about it.

Your height:: 5'4"...ish

Eye color:: Blueish green I think.

Happy with it?: Well it's not like I can just go and change it, trust me I'm bad with sticking anything in my eyes so contacts are out of the question, but I like the colour, it's different.

Hair color:: Brown

Happy with it?: For now, I want to dye it someday.

Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: Righty.

Your living arrangement:: At home with my family.

Your family:: Frank(Dad) Karen(Mom) Haley(Demon...I mean sister)

Have any pets?: Yup a dog(Ozzy).

Whats your job?: Hostess.

Piercings?: My ears but I haven't worn earrings since like grade 7 or something.

Tattoos?: Nah, I want one though I think they're hot.

Obsessions?: MUSIC, and ummm probably my boyfriend Kyle and Soccer.

Addictions?: Chips and Dip (eh Rose ;)) the movie School of Rock (haha again Rose) Orlando Bloom and old 80's hair metal bands.

Do you speak another language?: I can speak some French but I'm kind of rusty, and I can say a few things in German like bellybutton, shit, lobster (haha Rose) and "You are my princess."

Have a favorite quote?: If it's too loud you're too old (best quote EVER)

Do you have a webpage?: Nah, too lazy to do one of those, I barely update this thing.

Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it

Do you live in the moment?: For sure, it's so much more fun.

Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: I can be, but not with certain people.

Do you have any secrets?: Of course.

Do you hate yourself?: Well there are those down days.

Do you like your handwriting?: When it's legible yes.

Do you have any bad habits?: Oh my, umm, I'm stubbourn, I have a big mouth, I bottle up how I feel, I'm not very tolerent, and sometimes I'm way too honest...

What is the compliment you get from most people?: That I'm nice and that I'm funny.

If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: Lol I don't know, it would probably be like "I can be in the Madonna video!" or something stupid like that.

What's your biggest fear?: Death

Can you sing?: Most of the time.

Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: Nah that's pretty lame.

Are you a loner?: Only when I want my space.

What are your #1 priorities in life?: Friends, family, school

If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Gah I HATE this question, I really don't know.

Are you a daredevil?: To an extent lol I like taking risks but if it involves me possibly getting killed then I don't know.

Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: Yup

Are you passive or agressive?: Passive with some things, agressive with others.

Do you have a journal?: An LJ that I barely update.

What is your greatest strength and weakness?: Hmm my greatest weakness, probably that I can be guilted into something very easily, it doesn't take much for me to feel guilty about something. My greatest strength would probably be that I'm a good listener, people usually come to me when they have problems because I'm easy to talk to and will listen.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: Probably to be more tolerent of people that I don't like, if ever they talk to me.

Do you think you are emotionally strong?: Most of the time I am, but there are days when I emtionally break down.

Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: Of course, but I try to not think about them.

Do you think life has been good so far?: For sure.

What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: Don't be afraid to go for what you want, if you work hard enough and want it that bad, you'll get it.

What do you like the most about your body?: Eyes I guess, or my eyelashes.

And least?: My stomach

Do you think you are good looking?: I don't know, I don't think I'm ugly but I don't think I'm a "Perfect 10" either *rolls eyes*

Are you confident?: Depends on what it is.

What is the fictional character you are most like?: I'm not really sure, I was told once that I'm like Bridget from The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants.

Are you perceived wrongly?: You're asking the wrong person, I have no idea what other people think about me, although sometimes I feel like certain people look down on me.

Do You...

Smoke?: No

Do drugs?: No

Read the newspaper?: Hardly ever.

Pray?: Not as much as I should.

Go to church?: Not usually.

Talk to strangers who IM you?: Nah, I usually know the people that IM me, unless I haven't talked to them in a long time and forget who they are.

Sleep with stuffed animals?: Yup

Take walks in the rain?: Lol when I can.

Talk to people even though you hate them?: Not usually, I try to stay away from them.

Drive?: Nah not yet.

Like to drive fast?: For sure...unless my mom is driving, that woman is a nutcase on the road.

Would or Have You Ever?

Liked your voice?: Lol I did until I realized how high pitched it was.

Hurt yourself?: Many times, but they were all accidents.

Been out of the country?: Yup

Eaten something that made other people sick?: Probably, we've all eaten McDonalds.

Been in love?: Yup

Done drugs?: Nope

Gone skinny dipping?: Haha no

Had a medical emergency?: Umm well there was this one time when I fell down the stairs and tore a ligament in my knee, and then there was this other time when I fell through a hole in my cottage deck and then there was this other time when I got hit in the nose with a road hockey ball...oh yeah and then there was this other time when I stubbed my toe really hard on my mom's Gazelle exercise machine and cracked my toenail in half.

Had surgery?: Nope

Ran away from home?: Nope

Played strip poker?: Nah

Gotten beaten up?: Nope, somebody tried to once but it didn't work out.

Beaten someone up?: Not physically.

Been picked on?: Who hasn't?

Been on stage?: Yes

Slept outdoors?: Yes

Thought about suicide?: No, I don't need attention that badly.

Pulled an all nighter?: Yup

If yes, what is your record?: Umm like 8:00 maybe? Lol I really can't remember.

Gone one day without food?: Yup I didn't eat for like a week one time when I had the flu.

Talked on the phone all night?: No that would get annoying.

Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex? Maybe when I was little and had to share a bed with one of my cousins, nothing major.

Slept all day?: Yup

Killed someone?: Nope

Made out with a stranger?: Nah

Had sex with a stranger?: Umm no

Thought you're going crazy?: Lol many times.

Kissed the same sex?: Does my mom count?

Done anything sexual with the same sex?: No I don't swing that way.

Been betrayed?: Yup.

Had a dream that came true?: Yes actually.

Broken the law?: Ever hear of J-walking?

Met a famous person?: Yup.

Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: I squashed a fly one time.

On purpose?: Yes it wouldn't stop buzzing around my head.

Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: No, when I say that I won't say something, I mean it.

Stolen anything?: Yup

Been on radio/tv?: Yup

Been in a mosh-pit?: Yeah those things are crazy

Had a nervous breakdown?: Yup last night actually.

Bungee jumped?: Nope, that'd be awesome though :P

Had a dream that kept coming back?: Once.


Belive in life on other planets?: I'm not sure, but it's possible.

Miracles?: For sure

Astrology?: Lol I don't know, but I like reading horiscopes.

Magic?: I don't know...

God?: Mmm...not sure...

Satan?: No

Santa?: No

Ghosts?: No

Luck?: Sure

Love at first sight?: I do, because it's happened to me.

Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: Yup

Witches?: No

Easter bunny?: No

Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: Yes

Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: If you want it bad enough sure.

Do you wish on stars?: Whenever I get the chance.

Deep Theological Questions

Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: I don't believe that there are actual places called Heaven and Hell but I believe that we go somewhere after we die.

Do you think God has a gender?: Well, if there really is a God, I don't think he has a gender, but everybody refers to him as a he.

Do you believe in organized religion?: I don't really believe in it, people tend to use organized religion as a security blanket to hide behind and look down on people who aren't that specific religion. I don't agree with it but if people feel comfortable with it that's their decision.

Where do you think we go when we die?: I don't know, but we go somewhere.


Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: Yup

Who is your best friend?: I don't use that term anymore, I don't believe in having a best friend anymore either, every time I refered to somebody as my "best friend" they ended up screwing me over.

Who's the one person that knows most about you?: Me Myself and I.

What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: Don't get caught up with the little things.

Your favourite inside joke?: Oh my God, how can I choose? "I am not cool enough, people in bands are cool I am not cool. What are you talking about man you're the Bees Knees!.......Bees Knees?" and "Yo kid is vewy skilled!" and "Time goes slowly" and "Wait...I think I got it...Yes! I can't be in the Madonna video!" and "Molassas!" and "Well what kind of cheese shop is this?" and "OY! That boy has really ginger hair!" and "Hillybills!" and "I'm the Pope!" and "I think it's time for.....A SUPER HOT DANCE PARTY!" lol there's probably more but I can't remember them all.

Thing you're picked on most about?: That I'm small.

Who's your longest known friend?: Oh geeze, probably Rose.

Newest?: Sara

Shyest?: I don't think I have any shy friends to be quite honest :S

Funniest?: Definatly Rose

Sweetest?: Caitlin although she isn't being too sweet at the moment.

Closest?: I don't know, probably Rose, I tend to tell her alot, and my boyfriend if he counts.

Weirdest?: Oh God lol Rose for sure, we're both weird when we're together though.

Smartest?: Cydney

Ditziest?: None of them thank the Lord.

Friends you miss being close to the most?: Jody, I don't know what happened with her but we were pretty close.

Last person you talked to online?: Cydney

Who do you talk to most online?: Cydney or Ryan or Kyle

Who are you on the phone with most?: I don't usually talk on the phone all that much but I talk to Kyle the most.

Who do you trust most?: Kyle

Who listens to your problems?: Rose Cydney and Kyle

Who do you fight most with?: Oh my, well lately it's been Caitlin...but I really don't know what's going on with her...

Who's the nicest?: That's a hard question, I can't answer that

Who's the most outgoing?: Rose

Who's the best singer?: I don't know

Who's on your shit-list?: Lol there are many people on my shit list, but the #1 person starts with a Hayley and ends with a Thomas.

Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: Nope can't say I have.

Who's your second family?: Lol umm I'd have to say the Palmers lol as scary as that sounds since they're my boyfriend's parents but they totally rock I love them lol

Do you always feel understood?: Hell no

Who's the loudest friend?: Lol Rose

Do you trust others easily?: Not at all

Who's house were you last at?: Sara's

Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: Kyle's

Do your friends know you?: Yup most of the time.

Friend that lives farthest away:: Lena in Germany

Love and All That

Do you consider love a mistake?: Of course not, everybody needs love in their life, no matter how shitty you feel the most comforting thought is knowing somebody loves you whether it be your parents or your friends or whoever.

What do you find romantic?: Umm just little things like watching a movie with you when he hates it, or when he sings to you even though he has a horrible voice, or if you're sick he calls just to see how you're feeling.

Turn-on?: Sweet talkers for sure.

Turn-off?: Guys that think they're "Pimps" and all that and guys that are cocky and think they can get any girl they want.

First kiss?: I think it was in like Grade 5, I got kissed by Zack Francis on a dare.

If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: I'd be flattered but feel guilty at the same time.

Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: Yeah it would make things less awkward.

Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: Nah, I like it when guys ask girls out.

Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv: Nope, as shallow as that sounds.

Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: I guess so since I have a boyfriend and he tells me constantly that I'm "beautiful."

What is best about the opposite sex?: They can be so caring.

What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: They can act like immature assholes.

What's the last present someone gave you?: Hmm well whatever I got for Christmas.

Are you in love?: I sure am.

Do you consider your significant other hot?: Yup.

Who Was the Last Person...

That haunted you?: Ok, what kind of question is that?

You wanted to kill?: There were quite a few people.

That you laughed at?: Kyle.

That laughed at you?: Kyle.

That turned you on?: Most likely Kyle lol

You went shopping with?: My mom and my sister.

That broke your heart?: Nobody yet

To disappoint you?: I'm not sure, there have been a couple people who have disappointed me lately.

To ask you out?: Kyle.

To make you cry?: Emma

To brighten up your day?: Kyle, he called me today to ask how I was feeling.

That you thought about?: Kyle.

You saw a movie with?: Kyle, I don't go to the movies all that much.

You talked to on the phone?: Kyle

You talked to through IM/ICQ?: Cydney

You saw?: My dad

You lost?: Charlie

Right This Moment...

Are you going out?: Nope, I've been forced to stay inside where it's warm

Will it be with your significant other?: Well since he lives 45 minutes away I don't think it's a possibility.

Or some random person?: Nope

What are you wearing right now?: Green PJ pants, black skull shirt and my West 49 hoodie

Body part you're touching right now:: My lip

What are you worried about right now?: Exams

What book are you reading?: Because I'm worth it

What's on your mousepad?: Blue

Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling:: Sore, drained, tired, dry, stuffy.

Are you bored?: Not really

Are you tired?: Yup

Are you talking to anyone online?: Nope

Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: Not anymore

Are you lonely or content?: Content but a little lonely

Are you listening to music?: Yup. Where The Down Boys go by Warrent.
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