and i thank the lord for the people i have found

Feb 18, 2008 11:41

Today, I've been in the service for five years - and just like the day on which I began, I'm looking ahead to another February 18th, four years from now. That's the day when I'll be done.

Things change, but always for the better. These last five years have been so good to me. I can only rise higher from where I am. Four years from now, I'll look back on what I've done and it'll have seemed to go by so quickly, just like these five behind me. I can only imagine where I'll be on that day.

All I can know for sure is that everything will be different. I have been so lucky to have these opportunities, and to share all of it with you along the way.

I love you all, and I hope you'll be with me at the finish line.
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