Morning. In the dim light of a set of nightlights, the empty pizza and popcorn boxes are visible in the part of Barry's room he calls "the den." A small analog clock to the left of Barry's bed reads 8:17, though he knows time has little meaning here
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An arm stretches out and she sighs.
At first, he does them at a normal speed. But they become faster, and faster still, as 50 a minute become 500 a minute.
And every so often, Barry turns his head as he is on the rise and takes a very brief look at Sara on the bed.
Then she looks over the side of the bed.
"You might give yourself windburn," she says with a slight smile. "Good morning."
He slows down and stops.
"Good morning, nightbird. Sleep well?"
"Enjoy the movie?"
"It was...long. Not that long is bad, mind you. It was really quite well made. Some very good actors. But I do sometimes have trouble sitting in one place for that long."
And to prove the point, he shifts and lies back begins to do sit-ups, and then stomach crunches. He's not at high speed, but the rate he's going at would put even a pro athlete to shame."
She watches for a few minutes before yawning and making her way into the bathroom.
While she's in the bathroom, he finishes and gets up and finds clean clothes, and then waits his turn as turns on a desklamp.
While he goes in, she begins cleaning up the living area.
And yet, he's in there a good five minutes, and singing. Maybe Sara can hear him sing "Fly Me to the Moon" over the water. He's not bad, but not Sinatra.
He emerges in the red and yellow robe the Bar gave him, and starts to dress.
"Hey. Someone's cleaning up!"
"I'd rather not have the Oompas come in here, not after what happened with Indy," she says with a laugh. "And if I make a mess, I clean it up. Eventually."
"I don't mind. It's just that I'm used to cleaning up. And not just because I can do it at high speed.
"Guess it comes from being on my own so much of the past few years. And also being a forensics man." He picks up the shoes he left in front of the love seat and moves them to near the bed, and then gets dressed.
"And you're right about the Oompas. I don't trust them much. Not that I ever see any."
And then he sits down on the loveseat, and is happy with how clean the room is.
"For someone who is not a morning person, you did well with the cleaning."
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