Yup..more studying.

Mar 09, 2009 18:08

"It seems from these sayings that teh poular perception of women is that they talk without stopping (their tongues are never still), that their talk is either inconsequential (like lambs' tails or geese droppings) or aggressive (like a sword). Delivered as statements of fact and therefore descriptive (women's words are as abundant as the waters of the North Sea), such proverbs also have a prescriptive function, warning women that if they talk too much, they will be considered at best frivolous, at worst nags, usurping the man's role (the pants)." - Livia.

Okay...so...I get it. The man's role is totally all about the pants. *nods*


Here's another interesting quote. This self-labeled butch lesbian named "Diane (Danny) Torr" often teaches workshops for women who want to pass as men. "According to Torr, men speak slowly, in low voices, and sparingly; their gestures are few, they communicate little with hands or face. Male dance, we are told, is 'all about holding your hips still.' Sneering too is apparently an important factor in the making of a male persona....Male language, then, as reconstructed in this workshop, is a series of short grunts accompanied by open displays of contempt or one-upmanship (that is, sneering)." - Livia
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