Feb 28, 2009 00:48
After finishing job #2 at SPEA, I went home to discover that grocery shopping was required for fooding to occur. I was grumpy and incredibly hungry from not having eaten during my 9 hour work day today. (From now on I'll pack a lunch.)
While I was waiting in the Wright c-store, this dude working there stopped me and asked, "Hey, didn't you do free hugs like two years ago?"
I told him that I had and wished I could do it again just cuz it had been really nice. I still have my sign and everything.
He told me that my hug had really made his day and he thought it was really an awesome thing for me to have done.
Wow....two years ago, one hug, and he actually recognized me after all that time? I made -that- much of an impact on someone? *big huge smile of happy pleasure* That made me feel all kinds of special and proud that I had done something that made someone feel good enough to remember it.