I did 10 miles! Woot! Yesterday, with just a bit of difficulty I ran ten miles in a training run. So I guess I am getting closer to my goal every week. It won't be long until I can go the whole 26.2! Unfortunately, I get kicked out of the program if I don't make the fundraising goal by the deadline of the 30th. I already have $515 but I need $885 more to continue. I hate asking for money but I would hate it more if I had come this far and got kicked out. If you can help (and every little bit does) please go to
this website and donate. I am AIDS Marathon runner #1165 if you can't get the link to work just go to AIDS marathon page and click "sponsor a runner" it will ask where (chicago) and then for my runner #.
I would like to take this chance to thank
tanathalas28 who has already donated to help me reach my goal! I am very grateful for your support.