I feel summer creeping in...almost

May 03, 2005 21:09

Took the AP history test today. Totally rocked that bitch...but it got back at me. The headache that resulted from it lasted until 7...hopefully I won't get one quite like this from the upcoming AP English test.

Announcement: My senior recital will take place Saturday, June 4th.  The time and place have yet to be decided, but I will be playing Bach and Schumann (which David mistook as the music from the popular film Spiderman). I fully expect each and every one of you to attend!

Film fest was great fun...I got best actress for those of you who didn't go (which you should have). I recieved a full bottle of Aunt Jemima syrup spray painted gold as a trophy and then attended a party afterward at which Andrew's roommate Paul proceeded to drink the entire content. By himself. I worry about his health. I also worry a bit about the future of film fest, but I think things will turn out alright for City. My sister and her friends keep talking big about movies they want to make.

It had best warm up soon...I'm itching to play some hardcore ultimate.
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