Mar 30, 2005 19:48
I'm so disapointed. We were supposed to have a severe thunderstorm, but I was outside for our severe thunderstorm, and while it was quite windy and did indeed thunder, it lasted all of three minutes. I'm so disapointed. The clouds today were large and moving fast in the wind and it smelled a lot like rain. Whenever the weather is like that I get this really strange bittersweet but kind of lonely and slightly nervous feeling, which I clearly can't describe very well. Does anyone else ever get a feeling remotely like that when the weather is all stormy and gusty? Other than that, I'm rather pleased with this new warmth.
The musical has been getting on my nerves and I expressed to Doug that I probably just should have stuck to plays-the process is far less obnoxious. To my surprise, he told me that he was really glad I auditioned and that he wishes I had auditioned for musicals way before this one. He says I make the musical/play transition very well, whereas people like Michael Covington do not. (Yeah, he actually used Michael as an example and insulted his acting skills. I was kind of amused.) He even complemented my dancing skills (which I thought were non-existant). Apparently after I auditioned Keating was really interested in who I was because I came out of nowhere and sang well (I guess). Talk about unexpected compliments. Maybe this musical stuff isn't so bad after all.
I'm so excited about Film Fest. I guess I'll probably make the ballot for best actress for being in David's movie, and as far as I know, I might not be having any competition. That's actually kind of disapointing, really. I wish more girls would get involved in making films and acting in them.
I'm taking photography and for our first assigment, which is supposed to be portraits, I'm going to take pictures of Emily Qual. I've got all these ideas and I'm really excited, but I just know that because I have such specific images of what I want in my head I'm just going to be disapointed when it doesn't come out like I want it to. It's like the photograms we made. Everyone kept telling me that my mistake looked the coolest out of all of my photograms, but all I could see when I looked at it was how I didn't get what I had pictured.
On a completely separate note, I have an enourmous spider bite (at least, we think that's what it is). It's really quite swollen, hot, and somewhat makes me nervous.