I never knew Russia and Spain had much to do with each other, BUT last week the Spanish President Zapatero which incidentally means shoemaker made it clear there is something going on.
There was a meeting of the two Presidents in which they discussed the relations, and of particular interest was the increasing amount of Spanish tourists visiting Russia. Our shoerep-- President, started off flattering Medvedev's image and complimenting his country, and, despite not knowing any more languages than his own, he ended up managing to cock up it too, as in a slip of the tongue he said:
"Tourism is a preferent economic area in the relationship between Spain and Russia, ... so we made an agreement to stimulate, to favour, to fuck --to support- this agreement."
"Apoyar" = to support
"A follar" = to fuck
Subtlety is the key.
And since I'm as retarded as the rest of my country (the
video is
all over the place, here's a little omake APH style