I feel like I need to do something fun, so stay tuned for crazy artwork. It's very possible that I may end up doing some Avatar: The Last Airbender fanart, though I don't promise anything. I just need to do something that isn't a mermaid, a boat, or water. (Well, I guess that cuts out a water bending Katara as an option for fanart. =/ )
Mermaaaaaid )
I think that if it had been the Earth tribes and the Water Kingdom, and Earth was the next in the Avatar cycle and all but one of the Southern Earth Benders had been wiped out, it would have been a lot more likely to run into other water benders who'd discovered Blood Bending. But, given that the Northern Water Tribe is REALLY isolated, and the Southern Water Tribe was all but eliminated, it makes a lot of sense that they'd really only find the one. After all, you saw how in the North they really have a strong sense of tradition, and tradition would have forbid even the mentioning of blood blending--also, it would be so unnecessary, when they live with water constantly around them. Only a truly desperate person would need to start thinking about EVERY source of water possible.
And even then, they did say that she only became capable during the full moon. I think this was another way of enforcing the idea that Katara is a VERY powerful water bender--someone that you'd WANT to have lead an elite team with the Avatar, despite her youth. Because she blood bends without the full moon.
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