I feel like I need to do something fun, so stay tuned for crazy artwork. It's very possible that I may end up doing some Avatar: The Last Airbender fanart, though I don't promise anything. I just need to do something that isn't a mermaid, a boat, or water. (Well, I guess that cuts out a water bending Katara as an option for fanart. =/ )
Mermaaaaaid )
Well, she still has the little fish hair ornament thingies, at least. I thought that was a nice touch. xD
I get what you're saying about feeling like you're 'selling your soul' a little bit. If it makes you feel any better, I'm at least one guy who doesn't go for the typical features 'most guys' seem to be obsessed with. T^T
I DEFINITELY don't like that open-mouth look. Nope. Not in the drawing, and not IRL. The only thing I envy about models is their arms.
I feel ya on the "finding shirts/dresses that fit" front. I put on a shirt of Steve's the other day, no bra, and I was stretching it out. I was trying to find a comfy lounge shirt, not a shirt made for a wet t-shirt contest!! I also have a hard time finding dresses that look good. I'm much more able to find skirt outfits :/ You reminded me that I too envy those thighs!! Not TOO skinny, like, not Kate Moss, but skinny ones fa sho.
I feel ya on the thigh thing! They are jerks!
Well in my case... speaking purely in terms of physical features, facial features matter more to me than anything else. That's not to say I have absurd standards or look down on flaws or anything of the sort. :S
As for other features... ehhhh... what I 'like' in women... it's hard for me to say. I'm not sure if it's because I don't really KNOW, myself, or if it's because I'm uncomfortable expressing such thoughts. Probably both. XP
One thing I can definitely say matters to me is personality, mannerisms and 'vibe,' so to speak. The way a girl smiles, or talks, or whatever else can mean more to me than any physical feature.
And, umm... I'm suddenly becoming terribly self-conscious talking about this, so I'm going to stop there. And perhaps go hide under my bed or something for about an hour. ^^;;
Like, I can't get over the desire to make her smile, because I DON'T WANT TO DO THE OPEN MOUTHED, STUPID, VAPID, FUCK ME LOOK THAT MODELS USUALLY WEAR. *huff huff* Not that this bothers me immensely or anything.Yeah, no kidding... who the ( ... )
You don't have to worry about getting self-conscious on my journal. =) I'm not going to condemn you for anything--and you're always welcome to give your opinion on something, positive OR negative. You can talk about what you like and don't like. And if it makes you too uncomfortable, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. =)Thanks. xD ( ... )
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