Art For Brian, And Remembering Sleep

Jan 14, 2011 00:05

I actually have to go to bed. Like, now. Tomorrow, I have to get up with Brian to drive him to work, so that I can have the car. I need the car so that I can go to this interview with the Children's Museum about an internship in their Early Childhood Development program. It's unpaid, but! I hope that it will help lead me to another job opportunity, or at least give me something to say that I'm doing/did. Then, Saturday we have the activity with the Audubon Society, who I should start volunteering with next month.

All this means I need to go to sleep like NOW. Problem? I haven't really been getting in the habit of going to sleep the day before I wake up. I didn't know I'd have this at 10am on Friday (requiring the car) until yesterday evening. Sooooo. Yeah.

I wanted to make something special for my boy, who does all sorts of nice things for me, and who watched me make pictures for everyone else (except him!) and never said, "Hey, where's mine?!"

I posted the draft/ink earlier. These are some pictures that are ATTEMPTING to show you what the final turned out like...but, oh god. They can't do it justice at all. D= It looks way cooler than these photos would have you believe.

I swear. So much cooler. T.T The colors don't look right at all! (Er, except, yes, she is blue with green's not THAT off... XD)

The close up of her face.

Then, because there are pictures in the picture...


This is what I got when I tried to take it with the flash off. The colors are even more off...T.T

I really need a scanner. And photoshop. And a tablet!

But, I don't have those. So, Brian gets a picture made of ink and pastel, and he's happy with it. Yay face for that, at least.

Now, I'm off to bed! Whoosh!

volunteering, job hunt, photos, brian, art, things that i do

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