Bestfreinds, Men, and just generally feeling helpless...

Aug 30, 2006 00:34

I love my new job, the people are fantastic and the work seems a bit much at the moment, but I’m confident that I’ll have it sorted in no time, and I got a welcome card signed by all the staff and a little present :).
There’s a shite load of literature though, I mean I have 3 folders of info that I had to read through, safe guarding young people etc. But, I get to use all the facilities for free as well and I’m allowed to volunteer with the pyramid scheme which is soo interesting to me and I don’t mind, because that’s the stuff I would have to learn for my 'chosen career anyhow', so even though I had to read all the stuff for work, I didn't really mind, it was hard work, and I started work today t'was fab.

So life rolling ok for the moment,:) and I get to enrol on Friday coz I’ve been accepted onto my chosen courses.

Weekend has been hard work though. My friend Tori asked me to stay over at her cousins flat whilst she was house-sitting, and I went with her, on Saturday, it was a fantastic Girly time, y'know a chance to really vent shit, and I managed to vent a lot about my dad and how that’s effecting my decision about college. Now, Tori is dramatic at the best of times, but recently it has been So intense, she gets her self so stresses /worried that she is physically making her self sick,

We also got a call on Sunday from Emma who is in Turkey, (Toris Cousin). Her hotel had been bombed, 10 minutes after she had left the go to the restaurant so we stressed about that, at least she is ok though,

AND!!!! STRESS!!! , and I haven’t had my guitar with me for 4 days and I’ve missed her soo much L

I’m on a *I HATE MEN* trip right now though

As I have been informed, I’m*just not girlfriend material, as I have rouble keeping a blokes attention when I’m wearing a top*, that was said in Jest, though I have taken it personally and I’m starting to think that it’s true,

OK, there was this guy....when I first left Paul, I fell for him, and he told me that he would be a crap boyfriend and that he doesn’t want to hurt me, but if I ever need someone there physically he would be there, y'know that old cop out, and for about a yeah he's been calling me to get together with him, and I’ll admit, when I felt like it, I did, but he knows how much I like him, y’know..

and I found out recently, that he's just gotten himself a new girlfriend, and it really effected me more than it should because What’s so wrong with me that I couldn't be his girlfriend... I shouldn't feel like this about him, but after the last comment, it's just came at the wrong time y'know. I’ve heard that cop out twice; I’m starting to take it personally lol. Don’t get me wrong it's not that I’m looking it's just that they seem to find me and they're the wrong ones y'know

So what do you think? I have a lot on my mind, any advice?, y'know I always like to hear what Others think of the situation, though I know one knows about this sit I have but if you stumble across maybe you can advise he he. It's nice to get an outsiders opinion.

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