I'm such a slacker.

Sep 03, 2006 09:43

Geez, I've got a lot of stuff to update on. I've just been too busy or too lazy (or telling myself I'm too busy, when in fact I just don't feel like it).

* The Angels/Yankmee game

* Ben's party

* Denise's going-away celebration

* Happenings at work (and people therein pissing me the F&$% off)

I suppose I could've given a rundown of everything yesterday, considering I didn't do a damn thing. No, seriously. My alarm went off at 4 - yes, a.m. - because I was an idjit and forgot to reset it. So after I fell asleep watching "Little Britain" (or was it "The Jack Dee Show"?) I woke up at 12:30 (TV was still on), then at 4 (stupid alarm), then at 8:45 (had to pee). I figured I'd just laze around in bed for a bit longer before getting up for good. Next thing I know it's quarter after twelve.

I'd planned on getting a pedicure yesterday, but since I woke up so late and it was approximately 800 degrees outside I decided to stay home. Plus getting up that late pretty much makes me too damn lazy to do anything or go anywhere unless I absolutely have to. But I don't do it all that often, so it's okay.

I tried to catch up on some online stuff (which obviously did NOT include catching up on updating), which meant I was pretty much constantly logged in, even if I was away from the computer. So if you happened to notice that I seemed to be logged into MySpace all day long (which you probably didn't), that was why. Plus sometimes I just forget to log out, and consequently probably look like an addict or a loser.

I took a long, leisurely shower around 4, which I enjoyed even more because since I decided not to go anywhere I didn't have to bother with blow-drying my hair. (I can only do this if I'm not leaving the house, because allowing my hair to air-dry is also allowing it to do its best tumbleweed impression.)

Watched the game, which turned out to be AWESOME. Scoreless through the 7th, until OC scored a run. Then Detroit came back to tie it and go ahead, so it was 2-1 heading into the 9th. We managed to tie it up, and held them back in the bottom, so we went into extra innings. Top of the 10th, bases are loaded thanks to hits and intentional walks, and Figgy hits a bases-clearing triple. (Damn, I love me some Figgy.) Next at-bat they put the squeeze on, and he's tagged out in a rundown. Dammit. But Maicer Izturis blooped one into center, and OC hit a 2-run homer to take us up 7-2. Frankie got the save, and we were able to light up that halo.

I love Angels baseball.

My cousin Jalene's wedding is later this evening. We had some family coming down from Washington for it - technically my mom's cousin, although they grew up together so he's more like a brother, which is why I call him uncle - which we were all looking forward to, since we haven't seen them in about 12 years. They called Friday night and said they'd made it to Roseburg, OR and started having car trouble. When they crossed over in California it kinda crapped out and they weren't sure what was wrong with it, but they had to turn around and go back home. They didn't want to chance it, and I can't really blame them, considering they still had 90% of California to drive through, including the Grapevine, and in this heat it wouldn't have been a good idea. Mom calls me last night and said they called and made it home safely, and that the car seems to be fine - it was probably a batch of bad gas. How bad does that suck? To cross an entire state only to have to turn right around and go back, and waste all that time and gas, and miss your niece's wedding because of it, all because of bad gas? You'd think for $900 a barrel or whatever they currently have it jacked up to, it'd at least be GOOD.

So yeah, I've gotta get ready for that a little later. Fortunately it's not too far, I just hope it won't be too hot. Inside, anyway, since it's gonna be a scorcher out. I hate being dressed up in heat like this. Bleh.

The game was supposed to come on at 10, but it's been moved to 5, so I won't be able to catch it. Damn. It would've given me something to do between now and 1, when I have to get ready. I suppose I could actually update on all the stuff I'm behind on, but now that I've typed all this I don't really feel like it. It's probably just as well, considering how long-winded I tend to be. But y'all know this already.

Hope you have a fun and safe Labor Day weekend! =)

weddings, weekends, halos, family

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