I don't know about you, but I'm ready for Friday again.

Mar 20, 2006 19:33

Is it just me or are weekends starting to go by much faster?

It was a good one, at any rate. Friday was pretty good... had to work, which always sucks, but got to wear jeans, which always rocks. I got compliments left and right, which was odd... 3 people told me how good I smelled (this new perfume is a real winner, everybody looooooooves it, and so do I), 4 people told me I looked cute, and 2 people told me it's time to buy new jeans 'cause my ass is sagging. (The ass of my jeans 'cause they're getting too loose, not my actual ass. Just so there's no confusion.) Oh, and Loralyn called me hot, but she's pregnant so she's all wacky. *g*

Friday night we went to Timmy's show, which was fun. Bizarre weather, though. Before I left home I walked into the kitchen for something and it was dry outside. I walked back out about 10 minutes later and heard a noise from the fireplace, and it was pouring. And the wind was fierce; the reason I could see the rain so clearly from the kitchen is because it was blowing sideways. I stepped out onto the balcony and got hit with it, even under my overhang. Fortunately it stopped before I had to leave.

Fran and Timmy and the guys were really appreciative that we went out. He left on tour yesterday, and Fran's driving up to Fallon, NV next Saturday to surprise him. She invited Christina and I to go, and it sounds like a lot of fun, but although I was seriously considering it I think I'll probably end up passing. It's not very often that I get the chance to go on a road trip, which is the appealing part, but leaving at 4 a.m. Saturday morning for an 8-hour drive for a Saturday night show, only to turn right around and have another 8-hour drive back either Saturday night or Sunday morning, when I have to be at work on Monday, is considerably less appealing. Fran's taking Monday off, which is great, and if I had Monday off I'd probably go, but getting up at 4:30 5 days a week and not being able to use the weekend to recover, in fact getting even less sleep, is just a recipe for disaster.

We had plans to invade Matthew's place on Friday, but I think that's out. Just about everyone's busy except Matt, Ben, and I, and Ben told me today that he thinks his sister-in-law's birthday party is Friday night. Just wasn't meant to be this time.

Anyway, back to the weekend... got home Friday night close to midnight and pretty much deaf. Small space + big speakers = Kristen no heary. Fran's gonna have severe hearing damage by the time she's my age. (I shouldn't say that, it makes me feel old.) Woke up Saturday morning and I could tell my hearing was still a little off (that weird whining, buzzing noise) and had a bit of a headache and just didn't feel like getting up, so I stayed in bed 'til noon. 'Cause I could. Mom called at noon and asked if I wanted to go grab lunch with her and Dad, so that's what got me up. Didn't have plans Saturday night so went with them to Los Al. Not a bad night; made enough bank to cover my next car insurance installment.

Spent Saturday night at their place, got up Sunday and ran a few errands. Mom begged me to buy some new jeans, which I squawked at because I don't see the point in buying new stuff now when I'm just gonna have to buy more new stuff in a couple of months, but she said she didn't want me going around looking tacky (she must not pay attention, 'cause I always look tacky) and she'd buy 'em, so I gave in. (She told Dad later that he probably wouldn't like what I got, 'cause I look hot, which was a bit... weird.) Grabbed lunch again (tell me how we can be the first ones into a restaurant when they open and yet we have to wait over a half hour for our food while everyone who came in after us gets theirs), ran a couple more errands, then went home and fell asleep on their couch. (I hate doing that because then I have trouble sleeping at night, but something about their couch on a Sunday afternoon is just magnetic.)

Came home at about 6, did laundry and got some stuff ready for today. Had trouble sleeping, as predicted, and just as I was starting to get to that place where you feel like you might be able to fall asleep the assclown who lives above me starts bumping his stereo. At 11:15 on a Sunday night. I didn't get to sleep until after 12:30, which is really no fun when you have to be up less than 4 hours later. (I'm starting to keep track of every time I'm bothered by someone else's noise, since the very first time I have guests over one of these assmonkeys filed a complaint with the office. They make noise after midnight on a Sunday, and yet I'm apparently not allowed to have friends on a Saturday. I've always let it go, no matter how much I was bothered, but from now on I'm keeping records and filing my own complaint the next time they bother me enough. You want to be an asshole? I can be a bitch.)

Today was eh. Following recent tradition, tomorrow will be worse, I'm sure. Dad's shoulder's been bothering him for the last week, to the point where he's been keeping it in a sling and not moving it, and today it got so bad he left work early and went to the doctor. He thinks he's got bursitis, he gave him pain meds and kept him off work for the rest of the week. We're just praying it's nothing too serious and that he'll be fine by next week. (Prayers would be appreciated.) I stopped by and picked up some pictures I dropped off yesterday, of Matt's wedding and our girls' night. I learned two things: no matter how decent I think I might look I'm always just deluding myself because pictures tell the horrible truth, and you should never give a group of girls both alcohol and a camera.

Got my federal refund check today, which will go nicely with the state refund I got a couple of weeks ago. Hooray for e-file. I'd planned on using part of it for my insurance, but since the ponies came through I can put the whole smash in the bank. My Australia fund is shaping up quite nicely. And now that I've said that I'll probably have some sort of unexpected expense. Like the $50 wiper blades I still need to get for my car. *is extremely bitter* And with all the damn rain I need to get 'em soon before I scratch up my windshield.

I had no idea this entry would turn out to be this long (or that I'd be putting so many things in parentheses). I probably should've cut it. Oh well. And now I'm tired and think I shall shuffle off to bed. I can hear the assmonkey stomping around upstairs, but maybe I can get to sleep before he turns his stereo on.

apartment life, weekends, mom & dad, friends, weather, work

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