Mar 10, 2006 19:01

It's been a rough week.

Mondays are always really busy for me, 'cause the emails pile up over the weekend and it takes longer to log and distribute them, and then of course there's more to work on, more new stuff as well as whatever I've been working on previously. So Monday morning I'm already trying to do my beginning-of-week stuff, and Cheryl comes by my desk and gives me a stack of warranty registration cards (to add to the ever growing pile I already had on my desk; those are always my last priority because they're not as time-sensitive, which is good 'cause Cindy gave me another stack today) and tells me I have to filter out the ones where people aren't complaining from the ones where they are (which is most of them). Which means a task that I could normally burn through pretty quickly is now gonna take me quite a bit longer, 'cause I've got to stop and actually read through all of them. Greeeeaaaaaattttttt.

Then she forwards me some of Matthew's RAs to finish up while he's gone. No problem, I don't mind helping out my friends at all. (Other people around there, yeah, but not my friends.) Plus I had another RA for an upgrade that I told him I'd process for him. Again, no problem. Then Cindy comes by with a big stack of files and tells me they were on Matthew's desk and she needed me to sort through them and see which ones were closed and just needed to be filed and which ones were pending and which ones were work-in-progress. (I had to do the same thing when Jesse left; it took me half a day to sort through and clean up the mess he left behind.) It was a little overwhelming because all of the above happened in like a 20-minute period.

I got everything sorted out and took her back the files that were still open, and she told me what she wanted me to do with each one. Me. Um... are you aware that I'm a bit busy? Anyway.

Tuesday really sucked. I'm not even gonna go into details, but suffice it to say I was more stressed on Tuesday than I have been in a long time. I couldn't even vent to Christina because the yapper followed us to the bathroom so I couldn't finish telling her what I wanted to, which pissed me off even MORE. So when Mom called me that night I vented to her, and when Dad got on the phone and asked how my day was she told him not to ask.

Christina didn't help by reminding me that Matthew was on a beach in St. Lucia, probably drinking fruity alcoholic beverages out of a coconut. I told my other friend Matt that Matthew wasn't allowed to go away for a week anymore, because my supervisor knows we're friends and gives me all of his work, and he responded with, "Look at it this way... he's on his honeymoon and you're both getting screwed!" :\ Not funny, Matt. (Well, maybe a little.)

Wednesday Cindy tells Bryan and I that she's pulling him off the emails because she doesn't think there's enough to warrant two people anymore, especially with the phones being busier. (Easy to say that when you're not the one doing them.) So it's just me again. At least I have him for backup; if I review what's come in and can tell that I won't be able to get them all done within our promised timeframe (48 business hours), then he's on the phone for the first half of his shift, and then I can shoot some his way. Thank goodness, because there's no way I can handle the weekend backlog by myself. Not unless it drops by at least half, which I don't see happening.

Thursday was eh. I'd spent a good portion of Wednesday trying to get Matt's stuff straightened out, so I didn't have much time to work on my own stuff, which meant I had to put his stuff on the back burner that day. I have a customer I'm handing for my RTM, and the problem he has can't be fixed, so we're offering to either upgrade him to one of our new wall ovens (which retails for thousands more than the one he's got, these things are awesome) or buy his unit back. And he's not happy with either choice. He told me, in a supremely snotty and incredulous tone of voice, "I can't believe those are the only two options you're offering me." Excuse me? Either way, you're getting one hell of a good deal, buddy. People scream at us to get even one of the options we're offering you. You can't use the one you have. We'll either buy it back, or give you a better one. For free. What the hell do you want?

I hate customers. Even though I've had some really, really nice ones lately who have said some really nice things and even sent emails to Cindy and Cheryl about what a great job I did for them, prompting Cindy to call me into her office and tell me she and Cheryl appreciate the service I'm providing, and then give me a gift certificate to In-N-Out. That I can't use anytime soon because I can't eat there because it's too fattening. So yeah, those customers are excluded, 'cause they're pretty cool. But the others, yeah, not a fan.

The week progressively got better - relatively, anyway - and today we got to wear jeans, which always makes me happy. Actually today was pretty good; it's Friday, I got to wear jeans, I still managed to lose a little weight even given the multitudes of wedding cake I had last weekend with no workout (I was gonna be happy if the number just stayed the same), and it's payday. So yes, for the most part, I's a happy camper. Mainly because I decided to pretty much ignore all the stuff that I've been stressed about the last few days.

The moral of the story is that if you're gonna go away for a few days, make sure your work and your desk are in order because management will apparently rifle through it.

Matthew, I will be so happy when you're back. Aside from getting stuck with all your shit (;P), the place just isn't the same without you.

I dropped some film off at Costco after work, then went to get a pedicure, then went to BevMo, then went to pick my pictures up, where I was told that my membership had expired and I had to pay a $45 renewal fee if I wanted my pictures. Irritated? Oh yes I was. And then Mom calls and I tell her what happened and she says she renewed it in January, so I shouldn't have had to pay anything. So now we have to take my receipt and their cancelled check and go, "Look, morons, it's been paid already! Give me my 45 bucks back!" And the quality of the pictures wasn't even as good this time. I'm a bit miffed.

But now I'm home and can relax. Well, after I finish cleaning my apartment, because I'm having guests tomorrow. The female sector of the RV30 Club is coming over tomorrow for a girls' night in. Games, movies, lots of alcohol... like an old-fashioned slumber party, but grown up. ;P Even Ben's wife Lauren is coming. Ben wanted to come, and we told him he could but only if he wore a bra and acted as our butler. Then a scenario emerged where we could order pizza and have Ben the butler answer the door in his bra and freak out the pizza guy. And from there it just got weird.

So yeah, that should be fun. Goodness knows I need it. I need something to eat, too, I haven't had a thing since noon and I'm starving.

Clean and eat. Yes.

friends, work

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