Stuff. And stuff.

Feb 20, 2006 19:11

Had a semi-productive weekend. Found something to wear to Matthew's wedding, so yay for that. The neckline is such so that I may have to do some creative maneuvering to avoid flashing any of the wedding guests (and anyone taller than me - which is most people - who happens to look straight down will probably get a pretty generous view), but I'll make it work. It's a size or two smaller than I usually wear, but I can't really say if that means anything as it's been literally years since I bought a dress. (Feel special, Dunbar. I don't brave the malls and shell out for just anybody. Even my so-called best friend from high school only got something pulled from the back of my closet when she got married.) I've had a few people say it looks like I've lost a little, but I can never tell. Until my clothes get so loose they don't fit right anymore, I have no clue that anything's happening, and even then I can't visually see it. Kinda sucks, really; it's the results that keep you motivated, and it gets even tougher when you can't see results. Ah well. I'll take their word for it.

Got a few other cute things this weekend, too. Did grocery shopping, ran errands, got about 80% of what I wanted to get done, done. Got my stuff back from Michael's, and they're bee-yoo-tee-ful. The big Sydney one wouldn't fit right in the frame (but it was custom, figure that one out) so they had to add matting to it. A deep blue that came out pretty. And no charge, since I'd already paid and they couldn't alter my order. Now I just need Dad to hang it, 'cause it's a bit heavy.

Work was just lovely. The roads were so clear and empty considering NO ONE ELSE HAD TO BE ON THEM TODAY. Actually work itself wasn't so bad, unless you count the fact that our breaks were pretty much ruined.

We have a yapper in the office. Y'know, one of those people who just NEVER shuts up? And she'll sometimes take her breaks and lunches late so that she goes with us. I have nothing against her personally, it's just the fact that when she's there no one else gets a chance to talk. Seriously. Our second break - all 15 minutes of it - was spent with her giving a scene-by-scene recap of "The Skeleton Key." Finally our break was almost over so she goes, "To make a long story short..." We all just started laughing. And she finishes up - still talking as we walk back in, keep in mind NO ONE else has gotten to say or talk about anything else this whole time - by telling how it ends. Which wasn't a big deal for me, as I've seen it, but no one else had. Which is, I don't know, a little rude, maybe? Perhaps they actually did want to watch it for themselves and now you've ruined it?

One day at lunch I went into the break room to heat up my lunch. She was giving a play-by-play of an episode of last season's "24." Not last night's, but last season's. I put my lunch in the microwave and took my stuff out onto the patio. I went back in to check it. She was still talking about it. I went back out on the patio. After a few minutes I went back in to check on it again. She was STILL talking about it. I'm pretty sure she rehashed every spine-tingling moment of drama Jack Bauer had that hour up until the time her lunch was over or everyone else in the break room managed to escape. She does NOT stop talking. She'll talk over you, and her stories are always better, or her experiences always worse. And sometimes it's even the same damn boring stories over and over again. She just keeps going and talking and talking and yapping and yapping and going like the damn Energizer bunny until it gets to the point where I just want to wrap her lips around her head.

I don't know, I guess I can't really explain it without sounding like a mean and evil bitch, but you just can't understand unless you've been there with us.

I usually end up in meetings with her, and she'll interrupt anybody, even Cindy and Cheryl. That in itself is irritating enough, but add in the fact that usually the reason she's interrupting is to complain about the way other people do things and how she does them so much better... the self-righteous attitude just REALLY gets to me, especially considering she's not the hot shit stellar employee she thinks she is.

She sits across from Christina and just jabbers away at her all day long, to the point where Christina can't even get her work done. She finally had to say something to Cindy today, because she couldn't take it anymore and it was seriously interfering with her work. Cindy said she'd talk to her, so we'll see what happens.

/end rant

I had more to say but now I can't remember what it was. So I'll leave you with this, stolen from
Amy, the coolest superchick in the world.

1. What's your current relationship status?
WHY does every survey ask this? It hasn't changed since the last one, damn you!

2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
Sorry, I need $3.95 a minute if you want to know exactly what I'm wearing right now.

3. What is your current problem?
Well I just told you what my current rant is... my current problem is probably a toss-up between staying on this diet without losing my mind and figuring out what to do with the rebel that is my hair for Matt's wedding.

4. What do you love most?
Family, friends, laughing, music, Sydney...

5. What makes you most happy?
See previous answer.

6. Are you musically inclined?
If you mean am I inclined to listen to music, then yes. If you mean am I any good at it, then no.

7. What would you do if you woke up one morning and found out you were on cocaine?
"Cocaine? What is this shit? Who stole my crack?"

8. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?
There'd be a few things.

9. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what would you be?
Toss-up between a dolphin and an eagle.

10. Ever have a near death experience?
I think so, but I don't really remember them.

11. Name an obvious quality you have?
Sarcastic, smartass sense of humor. And you love me for it.

12. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
Josh Turner, "Your Man"

13. Are you happy today?
Eh... I've been happier. But I've been unhappier, so I guess today was middle ground.

14. Who will cut and paste this first?
Whoever's the most bored.

15. Name someone with the same birthday as you:
Bill Cosby.

16. Do you have a crush on someone?
Nah. What's the use?


18. Have you ever been in a fight?
I'm a lover, not a fighter.

19. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?
No. And if you ever want me to you'll have to get me verrrrrry drunk first.

20. What's the first thing you notice about the preferred sex:
HAHA... I gotta stick with Aimes' answer here... "Which sex is the preferred sex? Any sex that doesn't result in pregnancy is preferred to me." Amen sistah! *g*

21. What's your biggest mistake?
Trusting people when I shouldn't have, and a few other things that I wish I could go back and change.

22. Say something totally random about you?
I eat candy bars by eating all the outer chocolate off of them first. Or at least I did when I still ate candy bars. (Have I mentioned how much I miss chocolate?)

23. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
There's a picture of my mom and I wherein people have said I look like Wynonna Judd. I do NOT look like Wynonna Judd. At least I hope I don't.

24. Are you comfortable with your height?
S'awright. Except when I have to buy pants and they're all too damn long. I may be short, but when pants are too long even when you're in heels, the pants are just too damn long.

25. What is the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?
It's been so long since anyone has done anything even remotely romantic for me, I can't even remember.

26. What is your favorite smell?
Cloves, cinnamon, spicy scents, my dad's cologne, and my mom's perfume.

27. What's something that really annoys you?
PEOPLE WHO WON'T SHUT UP. And rude people.

28. What's something you really like?
Spending time with friends, hugs, days off work, and alcohol. The four of these combined make for a smashing time. Oh, and watching people who cut me off get stuck at stop lights is pretty fun, too. Hehehehe. ;P

29. Do you give random hugs and kisses?
I can hug any of my friends at any given time on any given day for any given reason. I'm a huge fan of the hugs. Kisses tend to make people feel a little weird, so I usually hold back on those. Unless I'm drunk, in which case you may get not only a kiss but a slap on the ass to go with it. And I hope it goes without saying that this applies only to people I know.

30. What's the latest you have ever stayed up?
What am I, 12? "Lyke, I totally remember the time I stayed up until 4 in the morning!" The "latest" I've stayed up is not measured by time of day, but in days themselves.

31. What are a few things you wish you were better at?
Dealing with people, talking to people, cooking, parallel parking, playing the piano...

32. Can you sing your high school alma mater?
Not a clue.

33. Have you ever been in a Hummer limo?
You know this question is just begging to be turned into something dirty, don't you?

34. Have you ever won a spelling bee?
Again, gotta go with Amy's answer as it just about made me spit water all over my monitor... "Shure! I one the spelling bee too times!" AHAHAHAHAHA... you kill me, Aimes. *g*

35. Do you like roller coasters?
Roller coasters are the shit.

Ummmmm... yeah. G'night.

surveys, weekend, wedding, friends, work

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