i need to get out of my room

Dec 07, 2006 08:02

life on tv seems so much easier.

yeah, i know how increadibly naive and stupid that sounds. i'm jus watching the news and some of their lighthearted stories:

abc did an expirement about cell phone talkers in public places. they had a man on the phone, and the ppl got pissed and told him to take his call outside. then they had a female and everyone was secretly interested what was going on in her life like a soap opera. it was hilarious. the restuarant was in on the experiement too and gave the ppl who didnt know they were involved free meals after he came out and explained.

silly string being used by the military in iraq to check for trip wires. ok... so its not "light-hearted" but i dunno. ingenious i suppose.

i must now wait a month or so for my next new episode of "Heroes" and "studio 60." my only reason for watch nbc. at least i still have "class of 3000" for now. by the way, if u havent seen heroes yet, get on board. goto nbc.com/hereoes. i'd put a link but i'm being lazy.

as usual, i've got my own personal dramas going on in my life. from social to financial to even spiritual. dont wanna talk about it here and now... jus know that i've seen better days but i gotta keep goin and doin what i gotta do, ya know? on the plus side, i'm gettin things done and later today i meet with my teacher about some of those things i'm gettin done. and that poetry night i keep saying will happen? saturday, january 27th, 2007.

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