Life goes on and on and on and on...

Jan 23, 2010 23:15

Don't cry for me Argentina Livejournal
The truth is I never left you
All through my wild days
My mad existence
I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance...

So post since October-ish? Which considering I still check my flist every single day is extremely poor but I guess I just haven't felt like I had anything worth posting. My life has been pretty much day after day after day of nothing really happening, life just going on.

Which isn't something I'm complaining about, I like my job, I have no problems with my friends but I know I could make more effort with them like I promised I would and I will, just as soon as January is over, it always seems to have this hold over me that turns me into a social recluse.

My brother is moving out next weekend which will be weird but as I'm getting his much larger room to decorate and enjoy the space I've never had before I can't really complain about that either. I will miss him but seeing as I rarely see him anymore anyway its not going to be all that different.

I have kind of a thing with a guy but he's just not made the effort into making it a proper releationship so I'm just going to enjoy the attention until he makes up his mind up either way, Que Sera Sera.

If I have anothing to post about again I'll try to make it sooner rather than later!
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