I've not been in the mood to write out a long update post so I'm going to use bullet points!
Good Things
Its not raining
Yesterday was my parents 29th Wedding Anniversary, well done them!
I find Tom Felton attractive again - lookit!
After working tomorrow I get to go to the Worcester Beer, Cider & Perry Festival (YAY Cider or various strengths and tastes!)
My hair seems to be growing again after the horrible amount the stupid hairdresser (who didn't listen to what I wanted) hacked off in June.
Bam Margera and Ryan Dunn are doing the Gumball 3000 again, woo for old fandoms awakening themselves!
Chappers still ends his emails to me with a kiss, which I love! (Also glad he didn't forget I existed when he was away).
I'm currently constantly listening to country music again, I seem to go through phases of what I want to listen to and at the moment Alan Jackson is owning my iPod.
Bad Things
I'm going to need more injections in my back, more pain, no yay.
I have to work again this weekend for my Mum which involves getting up at Stupid O'Clock.
Work is getting more demanding and my father is getting more and more stressed and there is nothing I can do to help him, my one brother is even making things worse for him, its horrible.
My lactose intolerance has increased, any sort of dairy now makes me ill where before it was only cheese/yogurts/cream and even semi-skimmed is making me feel icky. Bigger problem I can't stand soya or rice or any other milk substitutes so I guess I need to get used to life without any of it.
My debt driving me crazy trying to figure out how to manage the money I owe Banks etc, its a LOT more than I originally thought it was.
No Stargate Atlantis AGAIN this week because of the Olympics!!
My new Wall-E header is because he's adorable, as is the film because its the cutest love story I've ever seen!