#Life is getting harder day by day, I don't know what to do, what to say...#

Feb 04, 2008 20:50

So tired.

Have been awake since about 10am yesterday morning, Nan is ill again so I sent Mum to bed and 'slept' downstairs on the sofa to be near Nan incase she needed anything which she did several times with about an hour inbetween each and I didn't even attempt to get any actual sleep because I was scared I wouldn't hear her.

Still went to work today.

It's upsetting and I cry everytime I think about it but we're having her assessed to be put in a Nursing Home tomorrow, its breaking mine and Mum's hearts because we've given her 24/7 care for the last month and as draining as its been we don't WANT to put her into one of these places because she's mentally actve still its just her body thats losing the battle and she says she doesn't mind going into one at the moment but long-term its going to kill her spirit and I know she's not going to last very long without the will to fight to stay alive, but if she stays here... Mum will end up killing herself through worry and stress and it drive me to a complete emotional breakdown.

Its just so hard dealing with it all :(
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