LOG: 15 May 2008

May 16, 2008 19:04

WHO: Draco silver-snark, and Harry grimm_godson
WHAT: Music and Fluff
WHEN: Yesterday
WHERE: Harry's Flat
WHY: they're adorable? and we wanted to see what happened before Harry convinced Draco to let him record for Harry's post.

Draco really thought he was being sneaky about hiding at Harry's flat when Celeste's temper cowed even the house elves. He also thought he was being rather clever about shutting himself up in a room with Harry's guitar, thinking Harry was still asleep.

Harry woke up and padded out of the room to go to the bathroom. When he came back out he moved to the fridge to get a drink before stopping and looking Around. "Draco?" He called before hearing the sound of music. He walked to the guest room and opened the door quietly before blinking in surprise and smiling as he slippe din.

"..And I, I can't help the way I've fallen for you..." Draco sang to himself as he played along then stopped, looking up. The look on his face was well akin to 'oh crap, i'm caught!'.

Harry smiled "You're very good." He replied, "How did you manage that I've been trying for ages."

He cleared his throat and moved to set the guitar down. "It's rather like a large violin...with extra strings... crossed with a piano, when you think about it?" he tried.

Harry smiled walking in and pressing a kiss o his head before sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Play me something." He asked

"Only because you asked so nicely," Draco replied, picking it back up and playing something instrumental.

Harry smiled lying down onto his side and watching him, watching as his fingers danced along the fret board playing under the capo. "That's amazing." He murmured

"Hm?" Draco responded, not actually listening.

Harry watched him with a smile taking him in, the soft fall of blond hair over his eyes as he concentrated his head bowed. The movement of his fingers as he sat in a t shirt looking stylishly ruffled. Harry sighed softly running his thumb over Draco's knee as he played watching him intently.

When the music tapered off, Draco dropped his hand to fall on Harry's, and he glanced through his fringe at him.

HArry smiled sitting up, their fingers entwining as he leaned in to kiss him. "As Ron would say...that was bloody brilliant."

"Don't go ruining my mood, Potter," Draco muttered into the kiss.

Harry grinned, "I'm giving you a compliment love." He teased against his mouth.

"Just leave Weasel out of this," he replied, nipping at Harry's lower lip to get him to hush up.

Harry laughed, "Don't call him that, come on. Fine As I would say...you were fantastic." He whispered in appeasement.

"Better," Draco replied with a nod before stealing another kiss and sitting back. "I thought you were sleeping."

"Woke up, bed was too empty."He replied.

"Poor thing," Draco replied. "Never thought you'd get so used to me being there," he smiled, slipping an arm around him. "What are you making me for breakfast?"

Harry laughed, "I just woke up you've been up for ages."

"And I just performed for you," Draco sniffed, affecting haughtiness.

He rolled his eyes and smiled," I could make you some weetabix or fried eggs or something."

"You'll ruin my figure, Potter. We shall dress and go out for breakfast," Draco decided.

He sighed, "Do we have to?" He complained.

"If I call Niggles, he might tell Tilly who will surely tell Mipsy, and then Celeste will know I'm not actually hiding in my rooms at the manor," Draco replied.

"Alright." He replied climbing off the bed. "Let me go put some jeans on."

"I'll put your guitar away," Draco replied.

"Thanks." He replied with a smile disappearing off into his room.

Draco carefully wiped down the strings and set the instrument away, before slipping in to watch Harry change.

Harry zipped up his jeans and put on a t shirt and a sweater before putting his trainers on.

He leaned against the door, simply watching, a small smile on his lips.

Harry stood up when he'd finished watching him, "You alright?

He nodded, "Just watching you."

He smiled, "As interestingas me putting my shoes on is..." He teased

"Interesting as watching the muscles in your shoulders move as you do that, your messy head hanging, the tendons in your arms cording, your back bowed over..."

He blinked and blushed. "Oh..." He replied scratching the back of his head

Draco chuckled, "You honestly don't realise how gorgeous you are, do you?"

He blushed shaking his head. "I'm not."

"And that just adds to the charm," he replied, pushing off the doorframe and walking forward.

He smiled shyly and chuckled offering his hand. "Breakfast?"

"Breakfast," Draco replied, taking it and leaning down for another small kiss before they left.

Harry smiled against his mouth before they left the flat and walked out into the early morning air.


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