LOG: 5 May 2008

May 09, 2008 10:14

WHO: Harry grimm_godson and Draco silver-snark
WHAT: Talking about the War and things of after, only not really. More like avoiding talking about it.
WHEN: Recently
WHERE: Devonshire Hideaway
WHY: Poor woobies?

Harry poked at his coco pops contemplative gazing out of the window at the devonshire countryside in their little hideaway cottage out of the city.

Draco slipped up behind him, resting his hands on Harry's shoulders, trying to rub some of the tension out.

Harry sighed looking back at him with a faint smile. "thank you." He whispered.

The blond leaned down, planting a kiss atop Harry's head. "It'll be okay."

He looked at him, "I'm sorry." He murmured

"What are you apologising for?"

"For being a girl."

Draco chuckled,"Considering recent events, I don't think I'll even remark on how ridiculous that statement was," he said softly.

He smiled a little taking another spoonful of coco pops.

He ran his hands through Harry's hair again before returning to the shoulder massage. "I do love you," he said softly. "You wouldn't be you, if you weren't as you are."

He smiled "Is that giving me an excuse to be morose?"

"No, more like giving you permission to work through this, rather than bottling it up and ending up having to see a Mind Healer."

He frowned, "You said it doesn't get better."

"It doesn't, but being able to live with it does. It's complicated. I was also in rather a bad frame of mind at the time," he said gently, long fingers still smoothing at Harry's shoulders.

He frowned finishing his cocopops and setting the plate in the sink before turning around watching him. "I hope something happens."

"Like what?" Draco followed him, pulling him close again, needing the touch as much as he felt Harry might do well from it. "Are Vi and myself not enough? You're brilliant Auror training - your practically being an adopted Weasel?" his lips quirked.

Harry slipped his arms around him, "You are more than enough." He whispered into his shoulder. "Just wish something would happen in my head."

"That will take time, I'm afraid. And playing with Vi or any of the kids at Sanctuary. And lots of hot sex," he finished with a mock-solemnity.

Harry smiled at the last bit shaking his head. "Based on experience is it?"

"Something like that," he said with a chuckle.

"And who is this person you've been having lots of hot sex with?"

Draco just rolled his eyes.

"Well I want to know who helped you get over it all those years ago."

"Let's not go there, I know your jealous streak," Draco teased.

"What jealous streak?" He added petulantly.

Draco kissed him instead of answering.

He grumbled, "Is it someone I know>?"

"Harry, please, let's not have this conversation."

He sighed softly relenting, "Alright." He mumbled.

"Alright," Draco replied softly, holding him close.

Harry kissed his cheek before pulling away and putting the milk back into th fridge.

He ran a hand through blond locks of hair, watching his lover. Wishing he had an antidote to the deep thoughts plaguing him.

Harry picked out a box, "Oh I bought these strawberries for you, some kid was selling them outside. Thought you might like some."

"Want to share them with me?" Draco asked, his eyes lighting up. He really did love strawberries.

He smiled a little. "I did kind of get them just for you." He replied fondly.

"How ever did I manage to finally catch you?" Draco murmured, leaning in for a kiss.

He smiled kissing him back. "You grew up." He teased

"Ah, it's older-man thing," Draco teased back. "No wonder it didn't work last time."

He chuckled, "What do you mean last time?" He asked amused

"More of that timelines rubbish, don't think on it," he chuckled forced.

Harry watched him, "Still hurt?"

"As long as you don't decide that you'd prefer ginger and kids and a picket fence, I'll be fine," Draco said quietly.

He looked at him confused, "Ron's like a brother."

"I meant the other one," he shook his head. "Come on, you know my life's been long and complicated - don't worry about it. Did you want to maybe go flying?"

Harry watched him< "Draco look at me."

Despite being more than twice his age, Draco couldn't help but feel like he'd done something wrong when Harry had that tone, nor could he ignore him, so he did look at him sheepishly.

Harry smiled a little. "I love you...no one else There's only you."

Draco smiled back gratefully. "I love you, too. "

He smiled softly "Good. Now we can fly."

Draco grinned and pulled him in for a kiss, before heading off to get the brooms.

Harry smiled a little before looking in the mirror with a soft sigh.

Draco soon returned with the brooms, quietly leaning them against the wall before hugging Harry from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder. "Talk to me," he said quietly.

Harry dropped his gaze. "It's alright." He replied reaching for a broom.

Draco grabbed his wrist and held him close, "Talk to me," he repeated softly.

Harry sighed, "I'm fine." He whispered "I will be."

"Of course you will be, but you need to not keep things all locked in, too," he told him.

"I know. Just not right now. " He whispered.

"Later?" Draco asked, kissing the back of his neck.

He sighed and nodded leaning back against him. "Yeah later."

"Let's fly," Draco whispered.

He smiled reaching for the broom. "Good."


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