LOG: 31 January 2008

Jan 31, 2008 11:25

WHO: grimm-godson Harry, silver-snark Draco, elfes-de-malfoy Niggle, happybeinggreen Lorne
WHAT: Draco lamenting that James won't give him permission to keep Harry, getting his house-elf to bug lorne for a drink recipe, getting drunk, Harry reassuring him.
WHEN: Evening 31 January
WHERE: Harry's Flat & Caritas
WHY: Draco's a Dense follower of Tradition! yabedabe dabe dabe dabe dum... if he were a biddy biddy rich... idle deedle idle didle bum....

Draco swiftly relegated all emails regarding his private conversation with Mr. James Potter into a password protected folder before Harry got home.

Harry smiled walking in the door closing behind him before he hung up his cloak, "Draco?" He called.

"A moment," he called back, standing from the compyouter and moving to go welcome Harry home.

Harry scratched his head walking into the living room picking up his letters looking through them.

"Welcome home," Draco said, leaning down to give Harry a chaste kiss. "Do you want supper? I can have Niggle bring something over-"

He smiled softly stroking his hair . "That'd be good." He replied

"I'll go do that," Draco deftly moved away and went to set out some dishes, calling the house-elf as he did so.

Harry smiled watching him and moing up to follow him into the kitchen. "Where're you running off to?" He grinned

"Getting the table set," Draco said, being more precise than usual in making sure everything was set rightly. "Vi's napping, but she should be up soon."

His smile faded a little and he kissed his temple before going to the fridge and pouring himself a drink.

Niggle appeared, "What is Master Draco wanting?"

"Supper for the three of us, whatever the elves at Sanctuary are making will suffice, and some of Mother's Marzipan... and some of that pink drink that Lorne of Caritas makes, buy some from him if he won't tell you how it's made, and," Draco paused, thinking, "and some Carrot cake with lemon icing."

Niggle babbled something about being glad to serve before he disappeared. Draco went back to his retentive table-setting.

He grinned happily, "Really?"

"Why not?" Draco asked, eyes on the table.

He looked at him, "Are you ok?"

"Fine," Draco answered, too quickly, looking up and pasting on a smile. "Just fine, why wouldn't I be fine... I'm sorry I didn't think, would you like something alcoholic to drink as well? I'm not sure that pink would suit your palate..."

He blinked softly. "You know I can tell when you're lying."

"It's not important. How was training today?" Draco asked, refolding Vi's serviette for the sixth time.

He frowned, "Love if you need to lie about it, it is."

"It's not important, there's nothing you can do for it. How was training?" Draco asked again.

"Training was fine love." He replied softly watching him.

"Mm," Draco nodded and returned to rearranging silverware.

He frowned softly and came up behind him, wrapping his arms around him.

Draco's back stiffened, straight, taught and tense. He rested one hand over Harry's, but refused himself the comfort of leaning into him.

He frowned softly kissing his back before letting him go.

One of the other house-elves arrived with some of the food, which Draco directed to be put onto the table, though there was no show of Niggle just yet.

Harry watched him with a frown "'ll jut go change." Hereplied.

"Everything should be ready shortly," Draco said, rearranging how things were set.

"Alright." He replied frowning softly before disappearing to the bedroom and dressed quickly. He walked over to the laptop to switch it off before blinking slightly as he sat down.


On a slightly unrelated subject, but related in that it does have bearing on your progeny... I would like to ask you something with the caveat that you promise, erm, not to disembowel me?


Yes you won't eviscerate me?

....okay, I promise.

Right. Thank you, Mr. Potter.

Erm... I've never done this before, but seeing as it's highly doubtful that I could convince my parents to ask you and the lovely Mrs. Potter to Tea to discuss...

Oh bother, I'm making a royal mess of things. I ought to come right out and ask. May I have your blessing and permission to handfast and/or bond with Harry?


I would like to humbly ask your permission to ask Harry if he might be willing to allow me to be a more permanent fixture in his life.


Oh. I... may I ask why not?

...just no.

I see.

Thank you for your time, sir.

A little house-elf, wearing a fastidiously clean garment of pillowcase and towel (only in the finest silks and linens, of course) appeared in front of Lorne.

It took a few moments for the much taller demon to ntice the tiny little elf, but nce he did, he paused in his work. "Umm, hi there little...elf-type....thingie?"

"Niggle was asked by Master Draco to ask Lorne of Caritas to teach him how to make Pink, and if not, to make payment for some," the elf said, nodding so that his ears flapped a bit.

Lorne blinked, silently mouthing 'Lorne of Caritas' confusedly before offering Niggle a smile. "Pink?", he asked, "OH, oh yeah, a Seabreeze. Sure I can teach him, having a crisis, is he?"

"Master Draco is not very happy, Niggle can tell. Can sir show Niggle how to make the Pink Seabreeze drink?"

"Yeah, I picked that up myself little guy", said Lorne, before nodding, picking him up and plopping him on the bar, "No problemo"

Niggle squeaked before perching carefully. "Sir will show Niggle how to make the pink?"

"Sure thing, Pumpkin", beamed Lorne, "You need to take notes, or do you have one of those brilliant memories?"

Niggle looked slightly offended. "Niggle can remember EVERYTHING Niggle sees, that's why Niggle is Master Draco's Head Elf! Niggle helped Dobby, who was Master Lucius', raise Master Draco, but then Dobby was freed and Dobby didn't have a family anymore, poor Dobby. Niggle will always be there for Master Draco!"

Lorne blinked. "....A simple yes would have done there", he said, "Right, he needs two shots of vodka, four shots of cranberry juice and two shots of grapefruit juice, I can lend him the equipment if he needs it"

"Niggle will purchase the needed ingredients and equipment," the houseelf nodded, ears flapping, again.

"Wow, aren't you a helpful little thing, I need to know where to get one of you", said Lorne, then considered, "Minus the whole slavery thing"

"It is not slavery, Lorne of Caritas, it is belonging," Niggle said, indignant.

"You say Tomato, I say Tomato", Lorne shrugged, before pulling out a mixer, "Right, so you put them in here like so, then you shake it"

Niggle watched intently.

Lorne demonstrated with the skill of a practised cocktail maker, before pouring it into a glass, finishing it with an umbrella. "And hey presto, one seabreeze"

Niggle nodded slowly, eyeing exactly how full the glass was, and the angle of the umbrella. "Right. Niggle understands now. Thank you Lorne of Caritas," he said, before disappearing in a pop.

"You're....", Lorne blinked as the elf disapeared, "....welcome?". He blinked, then shrugged, picking up the glass, well, he wasn't going to waste a perfectly good seabreeze.

He frowned softly and looked towards the door before switching it off and walking to the kitchen.

A small line of potions bottles were set up behind the sink, well out of the way of accidental dropping, and Niggle was wringing his hands while Draco downed some pink concoction of a drink, his free hand white-knuckled against the countertop.

Harry frowned walking in, "Draco?" He called walking to him.

Draco froze, like an animal cornered. Quickly, he composed himself and straightened once more, ever the aristocratic pureblood, setting the glass down. "Thank you Niggle, if you could arrange to have the glass kept full, I would appreciate it."

"Yes sir, Master." Niggle said, nodding once and looking at Harry with a worried glance before disappearing.

"Vi's still asleep, but some food will be kept warm for her should she decide not to sleep the night through," Draco said to Harry, moving to the table.

Harry walked over to the glass."What are you drinking?"

"I'm not sure, it's quite good, though - I've been calling it 'Pink', though I doubt that's its name," Draco said.

He sniffed it and pulled a face"Smells awful."

"It's the grapefruit, I imagine."

He sighed softly "Draco you don't need to get drunk."

"I'm not getting drunk. I may get drunk, but that would only be because I plan to have many many glasses of this wonderful drink. Supper's ready."

Harry sighed softly and sat down "Draco...Draco I saw what was on the computer."

The blond man was silent, sat, put his napkin over his lap, and offered Harry the plate of roast.

"Thanks." He replied taking it. "Draco...you don't need my father's permission."

"On the contrary, I very much do need his permission," Draco replied quietly, giving in to the fact that, somehow, Harry found out about it. He should have known, Harry would always be Harry, and would always manage to find things out that he oughtn't.

"Why?" He asked softly.

"Because that is the way things are done. I don't expect being raised by muggles would have you know that."

He frowned, "Draco..." He sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"And if I cannot garner his permission, and he seemed rather adamant on my not doing so, we cannot..." Draco took a deep breath and downed the glass of Seabreeze... which refilled itself once he set it down on the table.

"Why not? We could elope."

"You can't elope a handfasting, Harry," Draco sighed, poking at his meal with his fork.

"Well why can't we do it anyway?"

"Because you've been quite clear that you won't be married, and I'm not going to take the chance of a decent ceremony with your family there from you," Draco said quietly. "So just... forget I said anything, and we shall go on as we have been, until such a time as you find a better arrangement."

"Well I can't marry you whilst you're alreadylegally married, that's bigamy."

"I know. Hence the hope for a Handfasting, or even-" he cut himself off. "It doesn't matter anymore."

"Even?" He asked

Draco shook his head.

"Tell me." He replied softly watching him.

Draco shook his head. "Just leave it be, Harry. Have your cake," he said quietly, reaching for the glass again, his own meal untouched.

He frowned softly. "For heaven's sake." He whispered.

"Your family will never approve of me, Harry - there's nothing to be done for it," Draco said, feeling a bit light-headed, as he reached for a bit of marzipan and considered it glumly.

"Draco...they just don't know you, It doesn't matter if they don't aprove so long as you do."

"It does matter, Harry - if your family does not approve, they will wear you down, and you will be miserable."

He sighed softly. "THey'll do nothing of the sort."

"And.. and what of holidays?" Draco asked, taking another long drink. "You're going to get tired of going back and forth all the time."

"I'll manage."

"So you say. For now. Harry, the sort of arrangement come of disapproved unions never lasts."

"I always do don't I?"

"Besides, they're your parents, and your brother, and they've only been back for not very long."

He sighed softly , "They're not going to stop seeing me because of this."

"They're going to try and get you to stop seeing me, though. They'll need you to come for this holiday or that, and oh just stay a few more days, you're with him on all the unimportant days anyhow, etcetera."

"Draco you're being ridiculous I'm ."

"And I'm Forty, and I've seen this happen to many couples, I'm not speaking out my arse here," he half slurred, finishing another glass of the drink.

"I'm not saying you are, I'm just asking you to give me a little more credit than you're doing."

"I know you think it'll work now, but..." Draco frowned. "Approval and blessing is important..."

"I know they are love but this is our whole future."

"One we can't have without a blessing."

He sighed softly, "Stop being so daft, of course we do."

"Until you find someone that they like, that you like, and that won't like you having an open, and poof. dissolved."

"An open and poof dissolved what?"

"Marriage, where I'm still allowed to be part of your life," Draco informed him, downing another glass and definitely feeling the vodka of the seabreeze now.

"You'll always be a part of my life."

"Except when you grow up and want the million redhaired babies or somethn."

"I don't want millions of red haired babies."

"Yet," he grumbled.

He sighed "Draco I want you."

Draco looked up, his Malfoy Mask crumbling under the influence, and his eyes a bit red-rimmed as he looked perfectly miserable. "For now," he conceeded.

"Forever." He corrected.

"Nontil.. nonunti... my words aren't working." Draco frowned.

He sighed, "Well that much is obvious."

Draco reached for the now refilled glass.

He sighed softly and stood up walking over to him before kneeling at the chair. "Draco love...we're fine and I'm not going anywhere alright?"

kandaisenshu: "Until they make you changer you mind and soli... sol... togetherness and poof! I'm not drnk nuf yet." Draco downed the glass.

"They won't now come on, stop being silly."

"That's you think," Draco told him, waving his now refilled glass around and sloshing it a little. How Vi was still asleep, not even the gods could tell you, but it was probably a very good thing.

Harry stilled his hand, pulling the drink away "It's what I know."

"What you know'll change," Draco whimpered before kissing him drunkenly.

Harry kissed him before pulling away, "Come on, bed time for you."

"Whabou' your cake?"

"Well you're drunk, love."

"No. Jus'tipsy. Need more," He reached for the glass Harry took away.

Harry pulled his glass out of his reach. "Draco no more don't be daft." He replied spilling it down the sink. "Come on you've had enough." He replied cleaning up.

"I think I 'fended him too," Draco said thoughtfully, frowning when he saw Niggle hadn't refilled the glass after Harry poured it out. He'd have to talk to that elf about his loyalties... when he felt better.

"Defended him?" He sighed softly "Love don't let him bother you."

"No," Draco shook his head, then blinked his eyes wide. Wow, the world usually didn't spin that way. "The other 'fended."

"Offended?" He hazarded

"That's th'one!"

"How did you manage that?" He asked stroking his hair.

"I told him.. 'said..." Draco raised a finger. "Tha' wasn't raised right, if din't think I needed p'mission."

"Oh..." He replied with a soft frown.

"Cos'need p'mission," Draco said firmly. "'S tr'dshun."

"I know its a tradition love but it's not a law."

"'Smportant," Draco said, shaking his finger again and then staring at the tip of it.

"I know it is." He replied. But you're more important than permission."

"I wan'keep you, Harry," Draco slurred, leaning against him and closing his eyes.

Harry sighed, picked him up, and put him to bed. "I never said you couldn't," he told the sleeping man.


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