TWO LOGS! Jan 17 and 21

Jan 21, 2008 20:11

Both relatively short, and thus in one post to unclutter your flist :)

WHO: Harry/Draco
WHAT: Freaking out
WHEN: January 17 after this post
WHERE: Draco's Rooms at Malfoy Manor
WHY: Draco lost his magic

Harry knocked on Draco's door quietly letting himself in a and cloing it behind him. "Draco?"

Draco looked up from where he was sat, looking out the window. "Hm?"

Harry walked over to him and wrapped his arms around his shoulders from behind bringing his head down and presing a kis on his shoulder. "How are you coping?

"As well as any dying man, I suppose," Draco sighed, dramatic.

Harry sighed, "Im sure you're not dying."

"Oh I must be."

"Draco you know it could easily just be something from brawl>"

"What if it isn't?" Draco turned his head and looked up at him from where he was sat. "What if it's... gone."

Harry sighed and stroked his cheek, "Then we'll cope." He whispered.

"I feel like my soul's been ripped out and it's been all... shredded."

"Draco..I'm going to do everything I can to find out what's wrong and to try and correct it." He whispered.

"Forget it, Harry. It's the end... and Ginevra's also being a bitch."

He sighed, "I'm not going to leave it." He replied stroking his fingers through his hair. "What's she done?"

"She was acting like her."

"Sweetie that's not very clear. "

"Ginny Potter," Draco spat the name like it was acid.

He sighed...cuddling him close> "I never marrried GInny you know that."

"There was a you who did," Draco said bitterly.

"Draco how is it possible to blame me for something another me did. There was probably another you who decided to run off to the circus."

"I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming her and this is getting confusing, my head hurts enough as it is, and I can't even make a potion for it," Draco complained.

"Hush now." He whispered softly. "Now how did she upset you maybe that at least I can try and cheer you up on."

Draco pouted, "I told you, she was acting like Her." He sniffed, "Dirty trick."

"Well what did she say, I don't knwo how Ginny Potter acts."

"She's mean and she knows she's better than me because I'm a stupid muggle now and she won." Draco said unreasonably.

"Love she is not better than you. Two, you are not a stupid muggle because muggle aren't stupid. Three, this isn't a competition and four.... Why does it matter what she thinks?"

Draco couldn't think of a comeback and looked back out the window - returning to his sulk. A minute passed. "I don't wanna be a muggle."

Harry sighed and nuzzled his ear. "I know but Draco I think you're extraordinary...whether you have any power or not."

"I'm a stupid muggle who can't even make a decent headache potion," Draco sulked, leaning into the nuzzle a little.

"You're a very beautiful and capable man, I'll make your potion for you." He whispered.

"You'll mutilate the ingredients."

"Well maybe its safer if we just buy it." He whispered stroking his arms soothingly. "I could never match you in potions." He chuckled. Squeezing his arms around him. "You're perfection personified."


"No are." He insisted into his blond strands, "at least in my humble opinion."

"You're no good at humble," Draco turned a bit and pressed his face against Harry's chest with a choked sigh.

Harry raised a brow, "really?" He whispered moving to sit next to him on the window sill wrapping his arms around him pulling him close.

"I don't wanna be a muggle," Draco said again, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist.

Harry tucked Draco's head into the crook of his neck. "I know love." He whispered rubbing his back. "We'll see what the mediwizard says"

"If they'll see me."

"Of course they will,"

Draco made a noncomittal noise and sighed.

Harry rubbed the nape of his neck. "They will." He replied softly. "I will do everything I can."

"Just hold me," Draco said softly.

Harry nodded, "Alright love." He whispered tightening his grasp on him.

WHO: Harry/Draco
WHAT: Draco freaking out IN A GOOD WAY
WHEN: January 21 after this post
WHERE: Harry's Flat
WHY: Draco got the bestest news EVER
WITH: Draco finally saying the three words everyone wants to hear from their lover... AND PROPOSING! And burned Pheasant, hee.

Draco stumbled out of the taxi-cab, shoved a handful of brightly coloured muggle money at the driver, and ran up the steps to the flat Harry lived in.
The door opened a milisecond before he reached the top step ending up with an armful of blond laughing in surprise.

"Harry harry!" Draco scattered kisses all over his face, all energetic and happy.

Harry laughed stumbling and keeping him steady. "Come inside." He whispered with a laugh "You'll catch your death."

"Sorry," Draco said, grinning. "Vi got chocolate ice-cream all over my winter cloak, and I couldn't find a muggle jacket to wear instead." He stumbled over the threshold, so thrilled that apparently he was having a few issues with grace. Were he able to change, he'd be bouncing all over the place in a white and black blur, of his own volition.

Harry smiled amused "It's alright, I like it." He replied.

Draco practically picked Harry up and spun him 'round the room. "The bond is GONE!"

Harry laughed holding onto his shoulders in surprise looking down at him in amazement.

Draco grinned up at him, eventually letting him down so they could kiss again.

Harry grinned leaning up and kissing him happily his hand stroking his cheek.

"Oh Harry," Draco whispered, nuzzling him. "Gorgeous, wonderful, amazing Harry..."

He looked up bringing Draco's head down to rest it against his. He beamed wonderfully "Smelling of onions Harry." He teased

"Yes, well, a good bath and a mouth-cleansing spell will fix that," Draco said.

"I meant the cooking." He replied amused

Draco sighed dramatically, "And here I thought I was going to get a bath with you."

He smiled, "Maybe after dinner."

"Oh fine fine, after dinner. What's for dinner?"

He smiled "I thought I would try my hand at don't laugh but I was trying to cook pheasant."

Draco grinned and kissed him again.

Harry smiled, "Now don't blame me if it tastes bad."

He chuckled softly.

"I'm sure it'll taste fine. If not? Curry," Draco pulled Harry into a waltzy spin.

He beamed moivng with him. "Alright a pheasant vindaloo if it doesn't work." He replied with a laugh as he was pulled along trying and failing to not step on his feet.

"I really need to teach you to dance," Draco laughed without rancor, still moving with him around the cramped living area before tripping onto the couch, pulling Harry with him.

He laughed falling ontop of him. "Ooof Sorry." He whispered, punch drunk on Draco's infectious happiness.

Draco smoothed his hands through harry's soft, yet entirely nesty looking hair, and tipped his chin so he could look him in the eye. "You know what this means?"

"What?" He asked looking back at him, clear green eyes staring into his grey ones.

"So many things, Harry, not the least of which that my marriage is only a piece of paper. No bond hanging over my head.. I... I can say things I wasn't able to say before," he murmured, brushing Harry's hair out of his eyes as his own locked back.

"A paper still needs to be...say what?" He asked softly blinking at him.

"I love you," Draco said softly. "Oh, I love you so so very much, Harry. With all my soul."

Harry blinked softly watching him "I..."

"I..I know I don't have any magic right now, but... if... if you'd be amenable to it... I... I'd like to..." Draco faltered, chewing on his lower lip.

"You'd like to what..." He whispered his eyes widening

"Even muggles can.. be handfasted," Draco whispered.

A smile grew across his face in realisation "Draco..."

Draco looked up at him, uncertain.

He smiled softly. "I'd love to." He whispered

Draco pulled him into a kiss, soft and gentle.

He laughed kissing him back softly. "Oh I love you." He whispered.

"I love you I love you I love you," Draco said between kisses.

Harry laughed between kisses his eyes closed tight as the realisation of being able to do this, for having the freedom he hadn't expected to ever be able to achieve.

"Gorgeous?" Draco said after a lingering kiss, looking up at Harry.

He shook his head tightly kissing him again.

Draco chuckled, kissing him back, "Dinner's burning," he said.

His watery eyes opened wide and he yelped clambering off him and running to the kitchen.

Draco sat up and straightened his shirt a little before wandering over, looking in and watching Harry frantically try to save the slightly burned meal.

Harry burned his fingers sucking them before pulling out the pheasant.

"Oh Harry," Draco shook his head. "You're a wizard, use your wand."

"Can you do a reparo on a pheasant?"

"No, but you can avoid burning yourself," Draco said. He went over and grabbed a fork, poking at it here and there. "most of it's salvageable."

He frowned, "Oh bugger." He muttered.

"No no, that's good. You cut out the good bits, and we'll mix it in with the other things."

Hesighed." Sorry." He replied apologetically.

"Dont' be. Have any wine?"

"In the fridge." He replied

Draco went and rooted around, pulling out a bottle and pouring a little into the bowl of vegetables and things. "Put the pheasant in here."

"But it' crispy." He replied

"Just do it, Harry, we'll simmer it a bit."

He sighed and nodded pulling it off the roasting tray and throwing it in with the potatoes he'd chopped with the pheasant.

"There. That'll soften it up a bit and give it some flavour."

"Alright." He replied watching it quietly.

"It's better than my first attempt," He said soothingly, setting the tin bowl on top the stove to simmer a bit.

"I really should be better than this."

"I distracted you, we'll try again another night," Draco said, pulling him into his arms again.

Harry smiled leaning against him. wrapping his arms around his waist.

"I love you," Draco said again, tucking his chin on Harry's shoulder. Now that he could say it, he couldn't say it enough.

Harry sniffed slightly and cuddled him stroking him tight. "I love you too..more...more than I ever thought I would.

Draco simply kissed his hair and held him tightly in return.


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