In which I rant about my paper and my Public Defence of the aforementioned

Dec 13, 2007 15:41

Some of you have read me complaining and bitching up a storm about the paper, my group director, my co-workers and stuff. Some of you even know that a couple of weeks back I seriously considered giving up. When my group director ripped my paper apart a couple of weeks back, I was so crushed that I started to think abour quitting. Let me tell you something: I don't like quitting. At least not things I want to be doing. But that day, I really wondered if being stomped over every other day was worth it.

Anyway, yesterday I had my paper defence. I had to hand in the document on November 30th, and had my defence on Thursday 13th. By some kind of error, it was changed to Wednesday 12th. So there I am. Absolutely terrified. Having absolutely no faith in my work. Facing a tribunal I was sure was going to try to rip me apart.

Things that went wrong in my presentation:
* I wasn't able to glare at the tribunal
* I looked at the slides instead of at them
* The laser pointer ran out of battery at the second slide.
* I bowed like.... *counts: when I was told I could speak, at the end of the presentation, whenever I was asked a question, when the questions were over and when I was given the result* like 7 times. Which is 7 times more than I was allowed to.
* I smiled
* I said some parts of my paper had been easy.
* I stuttered on slide number 15 (like I always do)

Things that went right in my presentation:
Apparently everything else, because I was given a god damned A. By all three members of the tribunal. So they apparently disagreed with my Group Director, whom by the way congratulated me on my A, and told me something along the lines of "NOW, you are SOMEONE". So take that.

Here's my whole presentation (thumbnails, not allowed to share it yet XD)

And here's the starting point: the bathymetry matrix, which I built based on the Nautical Chart (remember me complaining about it when writing Lies and truth?)

Also, my parents came to watch. My Dad was here for roughly... 25 hours, he took a train back just after I was done. He just came to watch me, and went back cause he had to be at work today at 8,30. Mom is staying a few days, cause she's got vacations. Dad told me: you were too nervous, I'm amazed how good it was. Why were you so nervous? Me: uhm... ripping apart, remember? No faith. My boss slipped something along me going to the Antarctica within the next two years, too. Me: O.o

My parents brought me a present, which I wore for the presentation:

It's crystalized lava from the Etna, from when they were in Italy. Oh, and btw, I wore a CREAM COLORED blouse too. Yup. Me wearing something not only not-black, but almost white that made most everyone who knew me go @_@.

I had to go to uni again today, cause I needed some papers signed and stuff, and when I came back, my Mom had bought me a pretty flower bouquet:

So what's the point of this post? Bragging off my A. Actually, trying to convince myself that it's over. That I won. That I did shine.

*waits for realization to set in*

Oh, and thank you to all of you who were on the virtual last row. ♥ ILU


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