Long Time No Post

Sep 22, 2008 23:09

AUGH. I donated blood last Thursday at my office's blood drive...no big deal, nothing new. What WAS new, however, was the excruciating stomach pain, nausea, and the kind of unholy tired where the nurse had to remind me NOT to close my eyes. I got to miss more work than intended (both good and bad, but my boss was donating at the same time, so she knew what was up), but seriously, if the next blood drive falls on the first day of nature's delightful monthly gift, there is no way IN HELL I am signing up for it. Apparently dropping a pint of blood on the last day of it is okay, but this...just sucked.

And now, also likely a side effect of my usually quite awesome immune system getting sucker punched, I have a cold that's making my head feel like it's going to explode. Maintenance was doing some work a few feet from my desk at work today, and the bastards had DRILLS and HAMMERS. This is work they've been saying they'd do for almost two months, and they pick today of all days to do it. DAMN IT ALL.

I found it amusing, though, that when I got back to my desk after the donation and resumed working despite still generally feeling like shit, the lone guy in the department said I'd pretty much emasculated him by doing so, because if the same thing had happened to him, he would have freaked the hell out and gone home.

...Anyway, hi. Still here.
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