Constructicon Creators Chapter 5

May 10, 2011 08:28

Rated: T+ for now
Pairing: Grapplex??, mentions of ConstructiconsxOmega
Disclaimer: Hasbro still refuses to give them up.
Summary: Grapple's horrible day takes a turn for the strange when he's abducted from a battlefield by his creators, who are determined to find him a "real" mech.

Grapple's days on the Ark had always been very structured. He could account for every breem of every cycle. On the Nemesis, the cycles flew by. Joors passed by so quickly he sometimes lost track of entire human days. He spent most days on the first shift, working with at least one of his Creators. Hook often requested his presence in the medbay, where he taught his Creation basic repairs. No one said it, but to be a Decepticon one had to be useful, and this gave Grapple a way to work with his new faction without having to fight his former comrades. When Hook was too busy to teach him, Scavenger often popped up. He would lead the crane to different parts of the Nemesis, showing him all of the oddball engineering quirks in the ship. Grapple loved it, and could study the foreign engineering for hours.

Sometimes, Bonecrusher or Long Haul would take him outside, on trips to gather supplies or test various weapons and bombs. Sometimes, they would challenge him, giving him a set of parameters based on the supplies collected or weapons tested and have him work out a more efficient use for the projects. The younger mech loved being able to talk about his passion with other who not only understood what he was saying, but shared his enthusiasm. He still wasn't very versed in chemistry, but Mixmaster never minded when Grapple worked with him. The chemist was eager to teach their youngling about his field.

Scrapper often included Grapple on small projects, asking for input and ideas, and allowing the crane to work on his own side projects if they could spare the materials. He wasn't allowed to work on any of Megatron's major projects yet, but that was fine with him. Weapons were not his specialty and he had no desire to create something that would cause only destruction. All in all, Grapple enjoyed working with his Creators, and finally felt as though he belonged.

In the evenings, after he got off shift, he often met up with Blitzwing. Sometimes they went to the Rec Room and talked over energon. Other times they would go to an empty training room, and Blitzwing would teach Grapple to fight. The worked on everything from sparring to down-and-dirty fighting, the likes of which Grapple had never seen before. Despite the brutal nature of these "dates", Grapple liked them. Blitzwing was hot, especially when he was standing triumphant and proud and out of breath (not that Grapple would admit that ever. But given him a break, he was a mech, and he wasn't dead). Sometimes they left the ship, either to go flying (Blitz's choice) or to look at human architecture (Grapple's). As Grapple did not yet have boosters installed to let him fly on his own, Blitzwing carried him. While he would never love slicing through the air, free of the constraints of gravity, the way the triplechanger did, the young mech had to admit, if only to himself, that he loved the feel of Blitz's powerful engine thrumming against him. That alone was worth the unease he felt every time they left the ground.

Currently, the pair was in the Constructicons' quarters. The gestalt team was pulling an all-nighter in the medbay, working on a project for Megatron, so they had the place to themselves. An old Cybertronian horror was playing on the vidscreen, and Grapple, over the course of the movie, had moved from one end of the couch until he was snuggled against the triplechanger's side, cringing and hiding his face against Blitzwing's shoulder whenever a scene got too gory. Smiling down at the adorable sight, Blitzwing shifted and tucked the shivering crane under his arm.

"Do you want me to shut it off?" Grapple looked up at him.

"N-No. It's fine." The larger mech raised a brow ridge.

"You sure? You're trembling."

"I-I'm fine. I know it's not real. That cheap set was shoddily made and it's almost falling apart. The Empties couldn't be more fake if they tried, and real energon is not florescent violet. I know that. So I don't know why this is getting to me."

"Horror movies do that. They can be the most cheaply made things, and yet still scare the slag out of you." A long, shrill scream indicated the messy death of a femme on screen and Grapple flinched. Deciding that if Grapple didn't want the movie shut off the next best course of action would be to distract him from his fear, Blitzwing leaned down and captured the smaller mech's lips. Stunned, Grapple froze for a moment, before relaxing into the kiss. He opened easily for the questing glossa, moaning as it swept against his own.

Blitzwing devoured his partner, loving the way those soft lips parted for him, allowing him to delve into the delicious flavor that was Grapple. The smaller mech moaned, the muffled sound sending a burst of heat through his frame, pooling behind his codpiece. Blitzwing roughly jerked Grapple onto his lap, so that the crane ended up straddling his companion as the purple mech's arms wrapped tightly around him. Throwing his arms around his partner's neck, Grapple groaned as the kiss grew more intense.

Blitzwing almost purred as he plundered the hot, willing mouth. The orange mech was tasty, and he clearly knew how to kiss. Glossas slid slickly against each other, tasting and testing, and getting lost in each other. They pulled back only slightly to take much needed breaths before diving back into the sensuous kiss. Neither was aware of the time that passed; the movie ended long before they came up for air.

Heat raced through Blitzwing's systems, and with regret he pulled back from the kiss, capturing that plump bottom lip and nibbling on it before he pulled away entirely. Grapple whined, and tried to kiss him again, but the triplechanger avoided it. Instead he leaned in and pressed a kiss to an audio receptor, murmuring,

"If we don't stop now, Grapple, I am going to throw you down and ravish you right here." Warmth spread through the younger Decepticon, his body not at all minding the thought. But it was too soon, both in this relationship and after his last one. Reluctantly, he slid off of Blitzwing's lap, allowing the other to stand. Deciding it was best to get away from the tempting little mech before he did something he would regret, Blitzwing pressed a light kiss to Grapple's lips before making his way to the door.

"When do you get off tomorrow?"


"See you then?" Grapple nodded.

"Yes. Goodnight."


The Constructicons returned to their quarters just before first shift. Grapple was curled up on the couch, not having gone to bed after his partner left. He had been too giddy. Instead, he had fallen into recharge watching a Cybertronian drama (he had had to wonder which of his creators had collected all six seasons of Sparks and Lies).

"Aw-w he's adora-ble," Mixmaster cooed.

"Wonder what he's doin' out here?" Bonecrusher frowned. "Wasn't the triplechanger supposed to come over last night? If he stood Grapple up..." Hook's optic band flashed.

"He better not have."

Hearing voices, Grapple slowly came out of recharge. Turning on his optics, he spotted his creators scattered across the room. He was surprised to see them; it felt like he had just gone into recharge. Checking his chrono, he saw that not only was it morning, he only had a few breems before his shift.

"Good morning!" The cheery voice caught the elder mechs by surprise. Clearly, their sparklet hadn't been stood up.

"Good morning Grapple. How was your night?" Scrapper asked. None of the Constructicons missed the light blush that spread across their creation's cheeks.

"It was good. Blitz came over and we watched Revenge of the Empties." Although the elder Decepticons doubted that was all the pair did, they left it alone for now. Despite their raging curiosity they knew that pressing for more information would only embarrass their creation. There were other ways of getting the information they wanted, after all.

"I'm glad you had a good night Grapple. You can tell us more when you get off shift. You don't want to be late," Scavenger smiled and pressed an energon cube into Grapple's hands.

"No, I don't. Thanks Scavenger." He quickly drank the cube, and said goodnight to his creators. The six were going to catch up on their recharge before the raid next cycle. He had to meet up with Soundwave and his cassettes; the Communications Officer was scouting for a suitable location for a relay tower that would allow them to connect to Cybertron more easily. Grapple's expertise with engineering had been requested, as the Constructicons were unavailable. Mostly, he was going to evaluate the chosen area for stability and a dozen other potential problems that could crop up during the build.

Despite running late, Grapple managed to meet up with Soundwave at the appointed time. The telepath said nothing; he simply got a good hold on Grapple and when the docking tower opened up into the world outside, took off, carrying the crane. Grapple mused that he really, really needed to get thrusters.

"Orders: survey landscape. Determine best location for relay." Grapple nodded.

"Yes, sir." Soundwave said nothing further; they had thousands of acres to cover, and the Third in Command wasted no more time with words. He launched into the sky and headed to the next area to be examined.

Getting to work, Grapple started by reviewing the tower plans. He determined the weight of the structure, the foundation supports, height and numerous other aspects he needed to know before he could find the appropriate location. It helped him to calculate the type of land the relay could be built on, as well as any structural quirks that could affect the construction. It would be terrible to begin building only to find out that bedrock or sand really wasn't conducive to the build. He was so caught up in his project that it took him several breems to notice the approaching engine. Figuring it was Soundwave returning, he paid it no mind. It wasn't until the sound was closer that he realized that the engine was too powerful to be Soundwave's. Looking up, he was surprised to see Omega Supreme on approach. Not sure what to do - should he run? Call for help? - Grapple had no time to decide how to react before the Guardian mech had landed in front of him. For a minor eternity the two stared at each other in silence. Finally, Omega spoke.

"Grapple: you are well?"

"I am."

"Query: do you know?"

"Yes. My creators explained it to me. Why did you not tell me you are my carrier?" Omega bowed his massive head.

"Reason: it was not safe to do so. Guardians: had many enemies. You: were safer not knowing. Then: the betrayal. Destruction of Crystal City by your sires. I: was too angry to see anything beyond my own pain." Grapple could have gotten angry. He could have screamed at his carrier for abandoning him. He didn't. Yes, he was extremely hurt. His carrier had been close by for so many vorns. But he remembered the stories from before the war, sparklings' tales about assassins and thieves who considered it an honor to murder Guardians and to plunder the cities they protected. For some reason, those stories had never really seems to be fairytales. Omega wasn't defending himself. He wasn't trying to make excuses. Grapple had asked why, and Omega had given him his reasons. Perhaps they weren't good ones, but they were why Omega had acted as he did. That, coupled with the regret he could see in the rocket's optics made it difficult for Grapple to be angry. Still, that didn't mean that the Decepticon was able to let go of his hurt, or forgive his carrier entirely.

"I see," he said, voice neutral. "Are you going to take me back?" He would fight him, if that was the case. He would lose, but that didn't mean he would go quietly. Omega studied his creation. Dropping his unusual speech pattern, he asked,

"Are you happy?" Grapple didn't even have to think about it.

"Yes." And he was. He had creators who loved him, a partner who he really liked, and he was finally able to work again without Hoist's betrayal hanging over his head.

"Then no, I am not here to take you back." Omega paused awkwardly, "I wish you well Grapple." Grapple looked at his carrier in surprise.

"Thank you."

"I will leave you now." Without waiting for Grapple to say anything else, the massive mech transformed and launched into the sky. Grapple watched until Omega was out of sight before turning back to his assignment. He wanted to get it done quickly (but done well, Hook would be angry if he rushed) so that he could get off shift on time. After all, he had plans tonight, and he didn't want to be late.

fic: constructicon creators

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