Mar 06, 2007 22:15
Every freaking evening, I am reminded of yet another reason I can not WAIT to get into that apartment. The people above me SUCK MAJOR ASS. Always pounding on the floor, playing their music really loud, yelling and screaming at each other, bouncing balls ... ETC
You would think, as an RA, that I could do something?
You would be wrong.
Mostly, because they aren't doing anything wrong ... it's not yet quiet hours, and even though courtesy hours aren't very well defined, things echo through the ceiling. Somewhat muffled, but echoing ... and since I can sometimes hear people walking around up there ...
I can't write people up for WALKING ... it's ludicrous. So, needless to say, I'm excited for quiet at this time of night ...
I'm also very thankful for Spring Break ... beginning on SATURDAAAAYYYY ... four days. I have a count down going on my dry erase board. Can you tell I'm ready for some quiet?
OH! And in other news? Time Warner is a PAIN IN MY ASS. If you have them, make sure you NEVER have ANY questions or problems. I have talked to about 5 different representatives - all I have are some questions about updating some things - and I have gotten FIVE DIFFERENT FUCKING RESPONSES.
People. Fucking. Suck.
And I need to get laid.