Sep 07, 2011 11:48
Just who in the hell do you think you are? Who are you to pass any sort of judgement on me and the life I live? You don't know the first thing about me or what I have been through. Not really. You only know what you've been told and what you have wheedled out of people through deception and manipulation.
I have suffered and struggled with the choices and decisions that I have made in recent months more than you will ever know. Have all my choices been good ones, no. Have they all been wise, again, no. There were times I stumbled and there were times I outright failed. Where I thought I had considered every possible outcome, then was blindsided and bitch slapped by life. When those times happened, I picked myself up, brushed myself off and carried on. Because I wanted to... no. I did it because I had to, because there was no other option there for me. If I didn't straighten up and fix things, then nobody else was going to do it.
The fact that you have the unmitigated gall to be sneaky and deceptive to get yourself included in a situation that is none of your business goes beyond pissing me off. I wish I could say I was surprised, but I'm not. Not remotely.
I think what makes me angrier more than anything else is that you have the nerve and guts to question the love I have for my children. To call me an irresponsible parent and mother just because you don't agree with how I live my life. For the last 10 months, I was EVERYTHING to those kids. I was mom, dad, friend, shoulder, taxi, doctor, disciplinarian and confidant. So the one time I decided to finally do something for myself... to put myself ahead of others for the first time in my life... I am suddenly an irresponsible, uncaring selfish bitch of a mom who doesn't love her kids. Who doesn't deserve her kids. You know what I say to that. Fuck you. Someday, Gods help us, if you ever have children of your own, you might get an inkling of a clue of what life as a mom is really about. Although, I am not going to hold my breath on that one.
I have a suggestion for you, although since I'm such an inconsiderate, heartless shrew, you may just choose to ignore what I have to say. If that's your choice, fine by me... but here it is anyways. Mind your own fucking business. Concern yourself with what is going on in your own house. You wonder why it is that every woman you have ever been friends with treats you like shit? Probably not. So I am going to kindly point something out to you. All the women in your life come from different places, backgrounds, personalities etc... And yet all of them have treated you like crap. They have all done you wrong somehow. You are always the victim, the one who has suffered at the hands of others. Do you know what the common denominator is in all of these situations? I'll give you a hint. YOU. At some point you should probably realize that maybe it's not everyone else who is the problem... it might make things go a little easier for you. Since you really are an ignorant sow who likes to manipulate people and situations to your own ends... I doubt you will ever really be anything other than the "victim" Really though, are you truly a victim if you create the situations that bring you grief. Food for thought.
I guess, in order to sum up everything and put it in terms you will actually understand... You are a miserable manipulative bitch who needs to just remove herself from my business and leave me the fuck alone.
You need to just DIAF.