So bored

Aug 25, 2006 19:56

Yeah as for that telus thing i believe because its not via phone it charges me because i got 4 texts from there and it charged me an extra 60 cents, so dont text me through the web site unless you feel its necessary. If its text by phone go crazy.

So was happy to get a day off but wasted away doing nothing, so went to waist. Im restless and frustrated and bored and dont feel well. Wanted to try to buses down to sheridan but everyone apparently was busy today. So was gonig to go to the erin mills but wasnt feeling the chipperest so sat here fighting with myself compelled to go and do something but didnt know what, partly lazy yet terribly restless. Hoped someone might have felt up to doing something and had some idea but i guess everyones busy or something. I feel pissed off and over emotional and jsut altogether crappy. I feel like im just rolling around and around fighting with something invisible and were equal strength so im not losing but im not winning. Kind of want college to start so whether i like it or not im occupied, a little curious what it will be like but paranoid to. I feel drained, very tired, but cant sit still. Im doing nothing but i feel kind of stressed, i need a way to relax, keep my mind occupied, I dont want to jsut stop and think which i usually enjoy. ARRRGH I just want to sleep but im bored of sleeping. I wish there was somewhere interesting to go, somewhere where i havnt been yet or for awhile. Maybe bowling or something, i dont know I suck and thats not quite the excitement im looknig for, though it would be better then just sitting here. Im hungry but Im not. Its like everythings in pairs of yes and no, everythnigs with its opposites. I want to eat but i dont, I want to do something but I dont, Im tired but im not, Im calm but im frustrated, im lonely but i dont want to be around anyone. I need to beat a pillow or something. Im getting frustrated with myself more then anything because i jsut cant make up my fucking mind. Its just a giant pot of mish mash. A the same time its strange almsot like im aware of everything at once yet its all a complete mystery.  FUCK.

Well back to work tomorrow >:P
At least no evening shifts next week.
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