Sep 12, 2009 23:49
[Mere hours after making her last broadcast Heather watches it back and catches a brief shot of herself, now she's looking at it again in live, locked, video. She's hunched over and looking at the parting of her blonde hair.]
Ah... my parting's starting to show, I need to dye it again soon. Geez, why do I always look such a mess. Weird how just some stupid girl's comment would make me think that... I wish I could go shopping back at that mall, before it was made all Silent Hill.
[She tries to comb out her hair with her fingers but doesn't seem happy with the result.]
Ugh! Why can't I look nice!! I totally over-slept and I'm gonna be late for that meeting with that guy... I forgot his name... Sung? Pung? Tseng? I dunno, he seemed really weird. Like... prissy. Man, whatever, Dante might be there... Not that I... care or anything. Whatever, who cares who's there, I'm going to keep up with... stuff.
I better gather my stuff... I can't believe I'm going dressed like this... God. I bet people are going to laugh at me.
Well, I'm taking my pistol either way.